Thursday, March 27, 2008

March 27, 2008

I'm in a pissy mood for no other reason than I just want to be in a pissy mood. I work with some of the most incredibly immature, sophomoric, catty women in the world. Not all of them are, just some of them.

Lost is not on tonight. Survivor is not on tonight. Hell, not even Supernatural is on tonight. I've not seen a new episode of Grey's Anatomy in I don't know how long. They move all the good shows to Thursday night and here it is Thursday night and NOTHING is on. Freaking basketball has CBS all tied up.

I hate basketball to begin with and every March it just takes over the television. I have a headache. I'm tired of rain and cold and crap weather and am so ready for summer, not only for the warmer weather but so this school year will be over.

I haven't eaten supper because nothing in the house sounds good. But, I know if I don't eat I'll be starving by breakfast.

It's raining again. But, that I don't mind so much. I like rain. I guess I'll watch the enhanced version of the season premier of LOST and then go to bed.

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