Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March 11, 2008

It was a good day at work today. Today was one of our 1/2 day/ PD days. This means the kids leave at 12:15 and we're supposed to have professional development until around 4:30 p.m. We do get an hour lunch on those days. I usually hate these days because they are so boring once the kids leave. But, today we were allowed to work in our rooms instead of sit in meetings.

I got so much done. I was able to get four weeks worth of lesson plans written. Then, I wrote a pre-test and a post-test for the next theme that we won't be starting until the middle of April. Finally, I got started on recording test data. I'm really behind on that, so it's going to take me a while, but at least I've started on it.

Our new superintendent came by our building to introduce himself this afternoon. He gave a good first impression. He definitely emitted a much saner atmosphere than our last superintendent gave off. I really hope the first impression is at least close to being accurate. I really don't want to see another major head case running our district.

My depression lifted some today, too. It was very sunny outside and it got fairly warm today. By the time I left work I was taking off my coat. The kids played outside when we got home without jackets. They still had on long sleeved sweatshirts, but no jackets. It was nice. I just feel like I'm starting to "wake up."

I managed to get my new audio book synced to my iPod tonight, too. I can start listening to it tomorrow. I hope it's as good or better than the book I just finished. They are by the same author.

Now, it's time to watch Jericho.

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