Sunday, March 2, 2008

March 2, 2008

It's official, I am never eating fried shrimp again. Last night my stomach started cramping around 8:30 and it did not stop all night. Every time I would just start to relax enough to drift off to sleep it would just cramp up again. This has happened the last few times I've eaten fried shrimp. I am ok eating shrimp fixed other ways, but just not fried. I've been pretty miserable all day, really.

I did do most of the laundry, cleaned up the dishes in the kitchen and took Michaela to a birthday party this afternoon. Other than that all I've done is lay in bed and watch Heroes online. I have finished watching both seasons of it now, just to find out there is no scheduled air date for the next episode. Alrighty then.

I've really enjoyed watching things on Netflix lately. It really makes the membership fees worth it. This month's membership fee has really paid for itself over and over again. But, then again, after the times we've not returned movies for over a month, it is all evening out at this point.

It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL here today. The temperature got up to 78 degrees here today. It's just been a great weekend weather wise. The kids had so much fun getting to go outside most of the weekend. They did not have to wear jackets at all today. Michael even took them to the park for a while.

But, it's supposed to drop into the 40's tonight. We may get thunderstorms overnight. They are predicting some winter stuff again tomorrow afternoon through Tuesday afternoon. They already have a winter storm watch in effect for then. I pretty much always just wait and see. Things can change so much between now and Monday afternoon. So, we'll see.

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