Saturday, March 29, 2008

March 29, 2008

Google is black today. It says on their home page that they've turned out the lights in honor of Earth Hour that is supposed to take place between 8 - 9 pm for each time zone. I thought that was cool. I think we're going to do that tonight. If we're home. I don't know if we'll be out or not.

It's been a pretty productive day so far. I've gotten about half the laundry done for the week so far. I usually don't get that much done on Saturday. Both the kids were finished with their chores before lunch time. They are getting a lot better at their chores. I'm really proud of them.

Caleb has had a little bit of a fever today. I hope he's not getting a sinus infection. I cannot take any more sick days this year and Michael's parents have both been sick off and on lately.

Caleb and Michael both got haircuts today. They both really needed them. Caleb looks so much better. His had not only gotten too long, but it was just growing in weird with longer parts here and there.

I also got bills paid and the books updated this morning. That always feels so much better once it's done. I don't know why that always feels like such an accomplishment. I mean lately I've been keeping up with it all really well, but it does feel like a major accomplishment every week.

Michaela is spending the night with Anikca tonight. The deal was she could go if she got her chores done before hand and she did, so she's going. We're going to drop her off around 5:00 pm. I'm really hoping most of the evening is low key.

We will be going to Wal-mart after we drop Michaela off. Michael needs fertilizer and I will not pick that out for him, so we've put off the Wal-mart shopping until this evening.

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