Sunday, October 26, 2008

October 26, 2008

I have spent most of the day working on grading papers and updating my grade book. I was able to get most of my report cards filled out. I need to put in the attendance and art grades. The art teacher has not posted his grades yet. Gee, thanks, like I wanted to wait until the last minute to turn in my report cards. I left my attendance book at school. I could wade through the online attendance record, but I have to look at each student one day at a time to do that. It'll go much quicker if I just look at my book at work. Hopefully, next quarter they'll have the report function working on our online grade books and I'll not have to fill out a report card.

I also did a lot of laundry today. Michael worked on his truck most of the day. He needed to replace the master cylinder for his brakes. Of course this ended up taking a lot more time and effort than he thought it would.

The kids were great all day. They played with the light brite and games. They also went outside and spent a lot of time playing with the neighbor's granddaughter. They were back and forth between our house and the house next door quite a bit. It was a pretty good day. I just wish I'd not had to do so much stuff for work. However, I seriously think by next weekend I'll be caught up, as long as I am able to work uninterrupted during my planning periods this week.

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