This year they did a pajama theme so we all wore pajamas to the banquet. It was fun. They took pictures for $2.00 and sold fake money for $1.00 for each $50 bill of fake money. The fake money was for an auction. Each troop donated one or two baskets for the auction. Our troop donated a family night basket with movies and popcorn and movie candies, etc. We also donated a baking basket with all kinds of baking goodies in it. Michaela and I managed to win a basket with all kinds of hot chocolates and gourmet teas and mugs and a few other things in it. It's really cool.
We sat at a table with Ginger and Ginna. But, there was also one of the new girls and her mom at our table, one of the middle school girls, her mom and baby sister and I think the other mom and daughter were another new addition to our troop. It was a great mix at our table. I've always enjoyed Ginger's company. The mom with a baby is really nice too and her baby is so cute and such a laid back and happy little thing. She's gonna look a lot like her sister when she gets older. The other mom that I didn't know was very nice. She was a little quiet, but she seemed to enjoy sitting with us. She and her daughter look a lot alike. Then, the other mom I really got a long with. She and I seem to have a lot of personality traits that are the same. It was just a great mix of people at our table.
We had baked chicken, ham, salad, two types of pasta, corn and bread and rolls for dinner. It was very good. There was iced tea, lemonade, water and coffee to drink. And, of course cake for dessert. I think we all had plenty to eat.
It was just a lot of fun. I'm so glad we went. We enjoyed it last year, but I think this year was even better.
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