Thursday, November 27, 2008

November 27, 2008

It is Thanksgiving. It was a good Thanksgiving here. My mom, Griff, Brandon and Karen came over to spend the day with us. We managed to have everything on the table by 12:30. My turkey turned out WONDERFUL!!! So far, I've never ruined a turkey, but I think this was my best one yet. I am just so happy that it tasted so good.

The rest of the meal was very good, too. My mom brought noodles and rolls. The noodles were all gone. Brandon complemented my green bean casserole, which is an accomplishment, since he's pretty picky about that. Caleb ate THREE pieces of pumpkin pie. We all ate too much, but thoroughly enjoyed it all.

It was close to 60 degrees today and the house got very hot. Karen and I had to spend a little time outside because by the time we had finished cleaning up the dishes we were both too hot to stay inside.

Brandon and Griff played Wii with the kids quite a bit. Michaela played her violin for us. She is getting much better now that she's practicing daily. It was cute watching her play songs she's made up herself.

Everyone was gone by around 6:30 p.m. and I was really tired. We just lazed around the house the rest of the evening. Caleb actually fell asleep on my bed next to me while I was watching television. I had to carry him to bed. He's getting really heavy.

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