Friday, November 28, 2008

November 28, 2008

Yes, I do go out shopping on Black Friday. Today, I got up at 4:00 am and was at Best Buy about 15 minutes before they opened. It was not too bad there today. I was out of there with my purchases in time to get to Target just as they were letting people in the door.

When I left Target I stopped at McDonald's and grabbed some breakfast. I ate it in my car when I got to the parking lot at Wal-mart so I could take some time to look at Christmas Lists unobstructed. After Wal-mart I went into Sam's but did not find what I was looking for in there. So, I headed back to Best Buy.

After Best Buy, I stopped at Circle K and got a gas card for Griff. Then, I came home. I was exhausted after all that. I got home after 11:00 a.m. Michael and the kids were gone to take care of his paycheck and get an allergy shot so I had time to sort through everything I bought and hide it.

I managed to talk to my MIL, SIL, and Griff to let them know what I got for Michael, the kids and my mom. I left a message for my brother and SIL to let them know what I got Michael. So, even though I shop alone, I did make contact to try and avoid duplicate gifts this year.

I spent most of the afternoon laying around. I tried to nap, but couldn't. I did buy one last thing for Michael online. So, my mom, Griff, Brandon, Karen, the kids and Michael are all done. I will need to get stocking stuffers yet. We also need to get something else for our niece. Then, we need to get birthday and Christmas presents for Michael's parents. Oh, and Abby's gifts. And, finally I will need to order things for goody bags for classrooms.

Tonight we went out to eat at Applebee's and then went looking for lawn decorations. We went to Garden Ridge first. The only thing we got there was a wreath for the door. Then, we went to Lowe's and did not find anything. Finally, we went to Target.

We bought some new lights for the garage doors, some lighted garland for our new banister outside our door on our new porch, and Michaela's Christmas Dress. It's a very rich, iridescent purple. Her little black jacket from last year's dress will be perfect over it.

It was a good and productive day.

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