Ok, so I'm not a lover of politics. Most people who know me, know this. I rarely will discuss who I vote for or what I vote for. I do not wear buttons or stickers. I refuse to have bumper stickers or other sticky stuff put on my car. I do not allow yard signs in my yard. And, I get very grouchy about politicians sticking stickers on my children during parades.
There are times when I'll let my opinion about social issues known, but most people should not assume they know how I vote because of this. There is one thing about politics I am passionate about. That is this stupid two party system. I firmly believe that we are all held in chains by the fact that we allow two elite groups of people run our lives. I will not say which group irritates me more. At this point, I'm not sure which one irritates me more myself.
I've been voting in presidential elections since the 1988 election. There have been times I voted for the candidate that won. Then, of course there are times that I have voted for the candidate that has lost. I've voted Republican some and I've voted Democrat some. But, my votes have also had times when they've gone to one of the lesser candidates.
Yes, there are more than two candidates for president and no those names are not on your ballot just to decorate it. These candidates are serious about what they believe in and are serious about wanting to make a difference. They see things that are very wrong with the way we do politics in this country and understand that true democracy is NOT what we practice.
This election has two major candidates that have been screaming about change. Honestly, I don't see it. But, then again, I'm from Missouri, you have to "show me." Talk is cheap. I propose that neither of them really understand what kind of change we need. That is a change in letting just two groups of people fight over who gets to sit at the "popular table" for four years.
I urge everyone out there, even if you think you are sure about who you want to vote for to do some research FIRST. Look at what the other three candidates stand for and what their parties stand for. Understand that we don't HAVE to just accept only two parties. If you are really passionate about change then consider real change.
I have been told that voting for a candidate that has no chance of winning is throwing away my vote. Ok, seriously? That is so much crap it is not even funny. Our vote was won for us in order that we use it to speak our beliefs and opinions. I'm wasting my vote if I vote for someone I do not believe in even if that person has a huge chance of winning. This is not high school and we are not voting for homecoming queen. You do have a choice beyond all the popularity hype.
The only wasted vote is a vote not cast. It may take a long time yet to change things so we have more than two parties that represent us, but every revolution was started with just a few voices. Think about our constitution, do your research, look at voting histories and listen to the voices that are not in your face all the time. You may hear something you did not realize was there. You may see this change everyone is talking about in a place you did not know existed.
As for me, I'm still undecided, but yet I AM going to vote even if I end up siding with a candidates that will not win. Making sure you exercise your right to vote is the most important thing, after all. Too many people died and sweat blood and tears so that we could have this right, to waste it.
1 comment:
For the record, I'm of the belief that it doesn't really matter who you vote for, you're still going to get a politician. AND, even though I know it won't make much difference, I did vote for ONE Libertarian candidate. But I'm not telling my mom.
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