Monday, December 1, 2008

December 1, 2008

It was back to work today, for three weeks before Winter Break. It was HELL getting to work. It was snowing VERY lightly outside this morning and of course the commuters around here had to act like the sky was falling. It did not matter which way I took to go to work, every highway that I can use was messed up with multiple accidents. I was about 15 minutes late for work.

Work was good, though. I feel we got a lot accomplished in our class today. I started using centers during math time today and not just reading. My students have been using centers long enough now that introducing this new part of it should go pretty smoothly. It went pretty well this afternoon.

After work, I had to take my van to the body shop. I met Michael there around 5:00 pm. His parents picked up the kids. We dropped the van off and then headed to the car rental place. We had to spend more time there than at the body shop. They gave me a Chevrolet Uplander. So far I am not impressed with it. But, it'll do until I get my van back.

I went to get the kids after that. By the time we got home it was almost 6:00 pm and Michaela and I had half and hour to change clothes and get out to gymnastics. Thankfully, Grammy and Papa had fed the kids supper. I'm not sure what we'd do without them.

So, now the day is over and I'm exhausted again. I would love to have one evening where I'm not so tired.

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