Wednesday, December 3, 2008

December 3, 2008

I had a visitor in my classroom today. She is one of the district people. She is not liked in this district at all. She was a principal until this year. Everyone that worked under her at her school did not like her. I’ve not had anyone say anything positive about this woman.

This year she goes around and visits classrooms. Then, anywhere from two weeks to a month later she’ll come back and take up one of your planning periods to tell you all the negative things she saw. So far no one in my building has received even one positive comment from her. She tells people it’s for professional growth, but then has very little constructive criticism to give and nothing positive to say. It amazes me that no one is doing anything well. I’m so not looking forward to her coming to talk to me.

The one good thing about it is that she is not allowed to say anything to our principal about what she tells us. It can have no effect on our evaluation. So, I’ll just let her have her say, smile and nod and take it all with a grain of salt.

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