Sunday, December 7, 2008

December 7, 2008

We did not go to church today. I worked on laundry most of the day and got all the bed linens changed. It always feels good to get that done. The kids cleaned their rooms.

I also went and did a little more Christmas shopping. I got some stocking stuffers for the kids. I got something else for my niece and my nephew so they are completely done. I got my MIL’s birthday presents. I also got a present for Michaela to give to Anikca. I usually let Michaela help pick that out, but when I saw this particular thing, it was perfect for her and Michaela agrees. I also bought a new snowman to go with my collection.

Other than that the whole day has been about laundry. Tonight the kids went to play rehearsal at church. Next week is the play. I will be very glad when this is over. I do not like having to take them somewhere every Sunday night. It should be fun to watch next Sunday though. They are excited about it.

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