Sunday, December 21, 2008

December 21, 2008

Today is the first official day of winter and boy was it COLD here. It got as low as 5 degrees with wind chills well below zero. This will also be the 400 post to my blogger blog. That's a lot of posts.

I went and did grocery shopping for baking stuff today. We did not go to church. Michael and his dad went out to Michael's work to finish working on the pipes. They were able to get it all done.

Tonight we went to supper at Olive Garden with Michael's side of the family to celebrate Michael's mom's birthday. Her birthday is actually tomorrow. It was a nice meal. My MIL seemed to really like her gifts. I enjoyed the company and the soup, salad and bread sticks very much.

The kids and I started baking tonight, but nothing turned out right. I am not very happy about that.

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