Monday, December 15, 2008

December 15, 2008

School was cancelled for both my district and the kids’ district today. There was ice on the roads. I can’t say I was upset about having to stay home all day. It was nice not having to leave the house. We didn’t either. I went outside to put something in the mailbox and then went out to get the mail and that’s all.

I finished up the laundry, messed around on the computer, watched some t.v. and started wrapping presents. Michaela and I watched a couple old Little House on the Prairie episodes together. That show still can make me cry.

I managed to get a few things wrapped before I had to make supper. We had Taco Salad for supper tonight. It tasted good, but I forgot the refried beans. Oh well, I really don’t need more carbs anyway.

It’s Monday night so it was gymnastics night. We’ve decided this is it for gymnastics until January. They are closed on Monday night two weeks from now, but we’re taking next Monday off, too. I need a break from it.

While Michaela was in gymnastics, I went down the street to Walgreen’s. I got four toys to put in the barely at gymnastics. They are collecting for the crisis nursery. Walgreen’s had a selection of toys on sale 4 for $13.98. I got a Littlest Pet Shop set, a Princess backpack with art supplies in it, A Hot wheels set and a set of airplanes for toddlers. I also got some things for the person at work who I’m Secret Santa for and some stocking stuffers for Michael.

When Michaela and I got back home, I started wrapping presents again. In the middle of it I did put the kids to bed. I started watching all the old episodes of LOST again. I know I did this last December, but I can’t help it I like to watch it from beginning and see the progression of the show again.

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