Friday, June 12, 2009

June 12, 2009

Tonight was our surprise dinner for Vicky. We've been planning this since March. She was very surprised and it was a lot of fun. It's always so much fun to go out with the girls, and last night was great. We talked for hours. I'm surprised they did not kick us out for taking up the table too long. I cannot wait until we can all go out together again.

We went to Trailhead. There were five of us that showed up to let Vicky know we really appreciate all she does for our girls. But, also because we all enjoy her friendship. So, it was a good turn out.

We gave her a photo book of the past year in girl scouts. She seemed to really like it. It was fun to watch her look through it.

We had told her we were going out to celebrate Julie's birthday, which in fact is not until October. It was fun to watch the look on her face when she realized the night was about her, instead.

I'm just very glad we did this.

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