The kids played in the swimming pool all afternoon today. They were out there about four hours today. Michaela got sun burnt. It's not horrible, but it does hurt her some. I guess I should have checked the sun block more often. They had a lot of fun, though. I'm so glad they have that pool to play in, they enjoy it very much.
I worked on some scrap booking stuff this afternoon and this evening. I completed a tag for a challenge on one of my groups. I also completed two layouts today. It felt good to get something accomplished. One layout I did of Abby and her favorite toy. The other I did of Caleb's 6th birthday party.
Yes, I'm very far behind on my scrap booking. I have a few page kits I made over a year ago still sitting downstairs waiting for me to do something with them. I used sketches today to help me and it made things go so much easier. I really enjoyed it, too. I think I'm going to use some more sketches for a while. I need to get some albums completed.
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