Friday, June 26, 2009

June 26, 2009

Today was the last day of Camp Read A Lot for the kids. They were a little sad. I have mixed feelings. On one hand I'm going to miss that 2 1/2 hours of freedom. On the other hand it'll be nice to not have to be somewhere every day. They both enjoyed it again this year. I think they both got very good teachers, too.

While they were at camp I took my camera and went to McNair. I walked on the trail there that the Lyons club put in about 15 years ago. It's so pretty there. I got some good shots. I also got some not so good shots and some throw away shots. It's the first time I went with just the camera and my eye and no people to shoot. It was interesting to look at the scenery there without thought of placing a human in anything.

I also took a few shots at Lindenwood when I went to pick the kids up, but the sun was so harsh that it just wasn't what I wanted. I need to go up to Lindenwood's campus sometime by myself during good light hours when I don't have to worry about time.

This afternoon, Angie came over with Sami and Louie. We all got in the pool together. Louie did such a great job in the pool. He had a floater swim suit on like Caleb used to wear and just bounced around in the pool. He was so cute. They all had a great time and I loved having them here.

I got an email from my great aunt in Texas today, too. I guess Kay said something to her about me working on the family tree. Aunt Marge worked on updating things almost 10 years ago but had computer problems and never got back to it. So, she's sending me what she has. I thought it was really cool to hear from her. I'm going to try and stay in touch with her better.

Tonight we went out shopping for carpet, vinyl and cabinets for the duplex. I will be so glad when we get that place done. It's really starting to become a pain. I think we're going to get carpet from Home Depot. They had some really nice commercial grade carpet with 10 year warranty for a good price. I just want it put in and the place ready to rent again.

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