Monday, June 8, 2009

June 8, 2009

Michaela and Caleb started Camp Read A Lot today. It took me a little bit to find the right building. They've built up at Lindenwood so much it's a bit confusing at times any more. But, we found it and they both enjoyed it very much.

Michael did not go to work today. He spent the day up at the duplex. The window company came to put in the windows. They look so much better than the old windows. We are going to have to have them come back out, though because one of the bathroom windows is cracked.

Tonight was gymnastics night. Only one other girl in Michaela's class showed up tonight so their teacher just had the two of them. It was so much more quiet and calm than it usually is on Mondays. I guess the enrollment really has dropped off for the summer. It was kind of nice for it to not be so busy.

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