Saturday, June 20, 2009

June 20, 2009

Today was the girl scout swim party and BBQ. We went to McNair Park to swim. It was a lot of fun. I really enjoy our girl scout outings. We've got a great group of girls and the other moms are so much fun to be around.

We were at the pool for a little over two hours. It was a cloudy, overcast afternoon. But, it was still very warm outside. It thundered a little, but never did rain or lightening so we were good. The kids had a great time. They were a lot of fun this afternoon.

After swimming we went over to one of the pavilions and had a cook out. We had hot dogs, salads, fruit, deviled eggs, mac 'n cheese, cookies, brownies, and chips. The food was really good. We were all really hungry from swimming. The kids got to play Frisbee and run around some, too. It was a wonderful way to spend the afternoon.

When we got home, Michaela and Caleb decided since they still had their swim suits on they needed to get in our pool for a while. So, they swam for another hour or so and then came inside for the night.

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