Sunday, June 28, 2009

June 28, 2009

I have not felt good at all today. I am hoping it is because of lack of sleep. I got almost no sleep last night. About an hour after I fell asleep Michaela was waking me up because she was afraid of the thunder and lightening. I used to LOVE sleeping during a storm and now I just dread having storms at night because Michaela just freaks out over them. Our electricity had gone off, too.

So, for the next 3 1/2 hours I dealt with Michaela waking me up every time I'd just get to sleep. I even took her out to the living room so she'd be in the same room with me. Add to that Abby not sleeping and wandering around most of the night. She was very nervous from the storm, too.

I've managed to get most of the laundry done. I've also been trying to figure out what the kids and I are going to go do tomorrow. Since they do not camp anymore, we are free to go do just about anything we want to do. I'm thinking about going downtown St. Louis and taking a riverboat ride. But, I'm not sure. It really will depend on if I feel better tomorrow or not.

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