Sunday, November 30, 2008

November 30, 2008

We woke up to snow this morning. It was so pretty. We didn't get a lot, just a dusting. The front yard had more on it than the back yard, probably because of our big tree in the back. It just felt so cozy to be in my warm home and looking out over the white snow. I really love snow.

I didn't do anything before church this morning. We all just kind of laid around and enjoyed a quiet morning until it was time to go. It was youth Sunday, so the service was a lot shorter than normal. I like when the youth minister preaches. I get more out of his sermons than either of the preachers.

After church we went to El Agave for lunch. I can never finish what they put on the plate there. It just fill mes up way too much. But, it tasted good.

This afternoon we spent most of the day working on decorating the house. Michael finished putting the ribbon on the tree and then went outside to finish working on the lights. He had problems with the lighted garland we bought. Three out of the five things we bought from Target this year did not work right. But, it's all working now.

The kids and I decorated the tree. Then, it was time to decorate the rest of the house. I did the same thing as last year. I have a table for snowmen, a table for nutcrackers and my santas are on the entertainment center. Our Holy Family is on the little shelf above the couch. I am hoping to add to our nativity collection this year. It is Fontanini. I am also going to add to my santa collection. I have to buy those on eBay because they are discontinued. I will probably go to Garden Ridge to get another nutcracker and maybe another snowman.

I managed to carry all the rubber maid tubs downstairs after we were finished, except one. It's still sitting in the kitchen. It's got our inflatable snowman in it. I don't know what Michael wants to do with it, but he's only got another day to figure it out and it's going back downstairs. I'm so tired again tonight.

Amongst all of this, I managed to finish the laundry, too. I really wish I did not have to go to work tomorrow. I could use a whole day of doing nothing with no one else around. The past five days have been wonderful. I've loved being home with my family and giving my home so much attention. Now, I could use some major down time, but that's not going to happen for a while yet. I need to get a lot done before Winter Break so I can not think about work during it.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

November 29, 2008

It's been another busy day around here. I am tired again, but feel so accomplished. I wish I could be this motivated all the time.

My list of accomplishments today include:

  • Changed bed linens
  • Got most of the laundry done
  • Re-organized Caleb's closet and dresser drawers, including sorting out stuff that's too small
  • Cleaned up the basement (it was a disaster)
  • Went to Target once
  • Went to Wal-mart three times
  • Cleaned up kitchen (again)

The Wal-mart thing was a bit annoying. I went in the early afternoon to get a few things and ended up buying a new bow for the top of our tree. All the bows we've used in the past I've made myself, but this one has lights. I could have made one like that myself, but didn't want to take the time to do it. Anyway, when I was there I found ribbon for the tree (we use that instead of garland) that matched the bow. Well, it ended up not being enough so I went back to get some more and of course they didn't have anymore of that kind. So, I went to a different Wal-mart and of course they didn't have it either so I had to pick out a different one.

Michael and his dad worked outside most of the day. They bought a bunch of mulch to put down in our bare areas of the yard. We do this under the kids' play ground, where the swimming pool goes in the summer and up on our hill. It prevents things from getting too muddy with the late fall/winter and early spring rain/sleet/snow that we get each year. The kids were outside most of the day, too. Caleb's training wheels on his bike are finally off for good.

It's been a busy day, but productive and I'm happy and satisfied with it all.

Friday, November 28, 2008

November 28, 2008

Yes, I do go out shopping on Black Friday. Today, I got up at 4:00 am and was at Best Buy about 15 minutes before they opened. It was not too bad there today. I was out of there with my purchases in time to get to Target just as they were letting people in the door.

When I left Target I stopped at McDonald's and grabbed some breakfast. I ate it in my car when I got to the parking lot at Wal-mart so I could take some time to look at Christmas Lists unobstructed. After Wal-mart I went into Sam's but did not find what I was looking for in there. So, I headed back to Best Buy.

After Best Buy, I stopped at Circle K and got a gas card for Griff. Then, I came home. I was exhausted after all that. I got home after 11:00 a.m. Michael and the kids were gone to take care of his paycheck and get an allergy shot so I had time to sort through everything I bought and hide it.

I managed to talk to my MIL, SIL, and Griff to let them know what I got for Michael, the kids and my mom. I left a message for my brother and SIL to let them know what I got Michael. So, even though I shop alone, I did make contact to try and avoid duplicate gifts this year.

I spent most of the afternoon laying around. I tried to nap, but couldn't. I did buy one last thing for Michael online. So, my mom, Griff, Brandon, Karen, the kids and Michael are all done. I will need to get stocking stuffers yet. We also need to get something else for our niece. Then, we need to get birthday and Christmas presents for Michael's parents. Oh, and Abby's gifts. And, finally I will need to order things for goody bags for classrooms.

Tonight we went out to eat at Applebee's and then went looking for lawn decorations. We went to Garden Ridge first. The only thing we got there was a wreath for the door. Then, we went to Lowe's and did not find anything. Finally, we went to Target.

We bought some new lights for the garage doors, some lighted garland for our new banister outside our door on our new porch, and Michaela's Christmas Dress. It's a very rich, iridescent purple. Her little black jacket from last year's dress will be perfect over it.

It was a good and productive day.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

November 27, 2008

It is Thanksgiving. It was a good Thanksgiving here. My mom, Griff, Brandon and Karen came over to spend the day with us. We managed to have everything on the table by 12:30. My turkey turned out WONDERFUL!!! So far, I've never ruined a turkey, but I think this was my best one yet. I am just so happy that it tasted so good.

The rest of the meal was very good, too. My mom brought noodles and rolls. The noodles were all gone. Brandon complemented my green bean casserole, which is an accomplishment, since he's pretty picky about that. Caleb ate THREE pieces of pumpkin pie. We all ate too much, but thoroughly enjoyed it all.

It was close to 60 degrees today and the house got very hot. Karen and I had to spend a little time outside because by the time we had finished cleaning up the dishes we were both too hot to stay inside.

Brandon and Griff played Wii with the kids quite a bit. Michaela played her violin for us. She is getting much better now that she's practicing daily. It was cute watching her play songs she's made up herself.

Everyone was gone by around 6:30 p.m. and I was really tired. We just lazed around the house the rest of the evening. Caleb actually fell asleep on my bed next to me while I was watching television. I had to carry him to bed. He's getting really heavy.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

November 26, 2008

It's been a busy day for me. The kids and I both had today off from work/school. Abby had to go to the groomer. They took a really cute picture of her with a turkey (stuffed animal) and we brought that home with us.

We spent most of the day cleaning. The kids were great at helping out. They both did their regular jobs but also helped me. They helped me with the kitchen cabinets, the master bathroom and trying to get dirt off the walls in the hallway. Michaela even used the Magic Eraser on the kitchen cupboard doors for me. I still want to dust the panels on the doors and the white floor boards tomorrow. But, my house is CLEAN!

Tonight was great! Michael and I worked in the kitchen together. I love that he does things like that. He made two pumpkin pies and a cheese cake. Michaela helped him with the cheese cake. She loves to help with cooking and baking. She also put the eggs on to boil for me. I got the potatoes peeled and cut up, ready to boil tomorrow. I also cut up the raw veggies. It was fun working together in the kitchen like that.

The kids played Wii for a while and started getting really wild with it. So, I broke out the new Christmas movies I bought on DVD for them and let them start watching those in Michaela's room for a while.

Around 10:00 pm, I started wrestling with the turkey. I got it cleaned out and prepped for stuffing. I made the stuffing and shoved it into the bird. Then, I put the turkey in the oven on low. I always cook it over night. I'll get up later and turn the heat in the oven up. It'll be done cooking in the morning, but will stay in the oven to keep warm. I love waking up to the smell of turkey on Thanksgiving morning.

I am just very, very happy and content with how the day went.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November 25, 2008

Tonight Michael and I did the grocery shopping together. The kids went and spent a little time with Michael's parents. It was fun. We used to do grocery shopping together every week before we had kids and even when Michaela was a baby. Now, it's just not practical for us all to go to the grocery store.

I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed spending that time with Michael. I am very lucky that he likes to do things like that together. I am very lucky to have the husband I have. He is just the best husband in the world. Yes, I love my husband.

We bought the stuff we need for Thanksgiving dinner. Which is another thing we actually do together. Michael will be making the desserts and the cranberries. I've never made cranberries. We always had the canned kind when I was growing up. So, he does that because that's what he wants. And, he is better at making pumpkin pies than I am, so he does that. We are going to have cherry cheesecake for my mom because she does not like pumpkin pie. He's making that, too. Which leaves me with everything else except what my mom is bringing.

Michael also helps with the cleaning around the house. And, he does this without being asked most of the time. But, when I do ask he doesn't hesitate. He's already cleaned up the dining room to the point where all I have left to do is dust and wash the table cloth. Caleb will do most of the dusting.

That's one of the best things about having Michael for a husband. He's a great role model for our kids in that way. I think we have it pretty easy getting them to do their chores and I believe it's because they see how readily their daddy is to help out and do his part.

Monday, November 24, 2008

November 24, 2008

I really enjoyed tonight. It was the mother/daughter banquet for girl scouts tonight. It was for our whole neighborhood. There were so many people there that we know. It wasn't just people from our troop or our school. We saw people we know from when Michaela was cheer leading. We saw people from Michaela's gymnastics class. And, we saw one of the other little girls from church.

This year they did a pajama theme so we all wore pajamas to the banquet. It was fun. They took pictures for $2.00 and sold fake money for $1.00 for each $50 bill of fake money. The fake money was for an auction. Each troop donated one or two baskets for the auction. Our troop donated a family night basket with movies and popcorn and movie candies, etc. We also donated a baking basket with all kinds of baking goodies in it. Michaela and I managed to win a basket with all kinds of hot chocolates and gourmet teas and mugs and a few other things in it. It's really cool.

We sat at a table with Ginger and Ginna. But, there was also one of the new girls and her mom at our table, one of the middle school girls, her mom and baby sister and I think the other mom and daughter were another new addition to our troop. It was a great mix at our table. I've always enjoyed Ginger's company. The mom with a baby is really nice too and her baby is so cute and such a laid back and happy little thing. She's gonna look a lot like her sister when she gets older. The other mom that I didn't know was very nice. She was a little quiet, but she seemed to enjoy sitting with us. She and her daughter look a lot alike. Then, the other mom I really got a long with. She and I seem to have a lot of personality traits that are the same. It was just a great mix of people at our table.

We had baked chicken, ham, salad, two types of pasta, corn and bread and rolls for dinner. It was very good. There was iced tea, lemonade, water and coffee to drink. And, of course cake for dessert. I think we all had plenty to eat.

It was just a lot of fun. I'm so glad we went. We enjoyed it last year, but I think this year was even better.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

November 23, 2008

We had lunch at church today. It was the annual Thanksgiving meal at church. There was so much food. It was all really good, too. It was nice to sit down and talk with people from church and eat and just enjoy the time there for a little while. We also finally had our picture taken as a family for the new church directory. I'd made sure we all dressed matching today so it would look ok.

Caleb and Michael went to a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese this afternoon. Caleb of course had a ton of fun. Michael said they were insanely busy there today. I suppose Sunday afternoon is probably a busy party day.

I'm not feeling great tonight. I think I have a sinus infection. I'm so tired of getting sick. I'm contemplating wearing a surgical mask for the rest of the school year.

Caleb came to me tonight with thermometer in hand wanting me to take his temperature. I took it and told him he was fine. He says, "You know why?"

I asked, "Why?
He says, "Because my intestines itch."

I asked, "Where are your intestines." He pointed to his lower belly.

I asked, "Why do your intestines itch?"

He says, "Because I didn't get enough fruit snacks this weekend."

He went to bed with itchy intestines.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

November 22, 2008

I am beginning to understand why some people develop agoraphobia. This morning Michaela and I went out to run errands while Michael and Caleb were collecting food with the boy scouts. We went to the credit union and got some cash to put in the checking account. The checking account is in a different bank so I took the cash there. Then, we were headed to Target to get a gift card for my nephew for his birthday.

We didn't make it to Target. When we were on our way there I got rear ended. I hadn't had my van back for 24 hours yet and now it's all messed up again. A teenage boy who's only been driving a month slammed his Jetta into the back of a Caravan and in turn the Caravan slammed into me. The back quarter panel, the back bumper and the tailgate are all screwed up. The boy's Jetta is totaled. I wouldn't be surprised if the Caravan is not totaled. It's really messed up.

It's all so frustrating to me. But, the good thing is, it appears that no one was badly hurt. The boy's mom says his shoulder is sore from where the seat belt yanked him back. One of the teenagers in the Caravan was a little sore, but her mom felt she'd be ok with Advil. Michaela and I were shaken up but we're ok. Thank goodness no one was badly hurt. I really hope the boy does not let it bother him too much. It's a hard lesson, but I think he's learned it. He seemed to be the type of boy who really works and learning from his mistakes. I feel badly for him because I know he felt bad about it all.

This afternoon I went back out to do the errands I was going to do earlier. I went to Walmart first and saw two cars almost back into each other as they were backing out of their spaces. It scared me more than it should have.

After I left Wal-mart I went to Sam's (it's in the same strip mall) to get Caleb's DS. You have to get a big cardboard card and take it to the cash register and then they get the actual item for you. I waited in line for a long time before it was my turn. Then, the cashier punched something into the cash register to send a message to someone's Palm Pilot. We waited several minutes for him to come over. He in turn punched in something to his Palm and told me they didn't have any black. Wonderful.

Ok, fine, I had to go to Target anyway. So, I go to to Target. I grab a gift card for my nephew and found him a card. Then, went back to where the video game stuff is. Of course, they did not have any black either. Great.

So, I pay for the gift card and card and head back to Wal-mart. It's oh so much fun to go there twice in one day. But, they had black. So, I got one there.

Tonight we went to Texas Roadhouse to eat. I've decided that the cow is one of God's best creations. Yum! I had a filet and it tasted SOOOOOOOO good. Michael and I both thoroughly enjoyed our meals.

Friday, November 21, 2008

November 21, 2008

It's Friday!!! Yeah!!!! Michael picked the van up from the body shop today during his lunch. I'm so happy to have it back.

Tonight we went to Stacey and Steve's house for Lauren's birthday party. Michaela was supposed to spend the night, but really didn't feel like it in the end. It was a really fun evening though. I just enjoy that group of people so much. There is so much warmth and acceptance in their friendship. It really means a lot to me.

Lauren was so cute tonight. She just beamed when she was opening her gifts. She's just such a beautiful little girl. I loved watching her enjoy opening her gifts and playing with the other kids that were there.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

November 20, 2008

I'm really tired tonight. I did not sleep well last night at all. I've got a lot on my mind right now. I'm not someone that trusts people very easily. As an adult it's made it difficult to maintain friendships. I'm not complaining about this because I am very comfortable with myself and spending time alone is not only something I don't mind but that I like. However, everyone needs friends and needs to have contact with peers.

I found a place where I felt safe and really enjoyed the company. I found a way to really start trusting people and developing some deeper friendships other than just acquaintances. I've felt very lucky to have found this place, but lately some things have happened that have taken that safe feeling away. I no longer feel safe or as comfortable as I used to feel in this place and it's really bothering me. I could point fingers and lay blame, but really that would not be entirely fair. There is at least one person, maybe two that have been wrong in their actions toward me, but yes I agree I'm not always the easiest person to be friends with.

I do not make apologies for this. I work very hard at trying to accept people for who they are even when I do not agree with the way they live or even when I don't like them. I am not always successful at this, but I do try. Also, something I've challenged myself to do is to try and like people I don't. I do this by looking at all the qualities of the person and finding any and all positives about the person I can find. It actually works, to an extent. It's a lot of hard work, but doing your best to find the positive in a person really lessens my own stress and helps makes me feel more content in my own life. Except when it backfires. But, that's the chance you have to take, I guess.

Anyway, for the past couple weeks I've been trying really hard to figure out how I can get back that comfort I was feeling in this particular place and so far I'm still at a loss. Leaving this place would mean leaving some very good friends and at this point that is not an option. But, right now being there is tying me up in knots.

In any case it's taking up way too much think space in my brain. So, for now I'm going to go do something brainless.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

November 19, 2008

Here's a very wise saying from one of my favorite children's video series.

"You shouldn't put things you find on the ground in your mouth. They may be someone's hobby."

From Peep and the Big Wide World.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November 18, 2008

My van went to the doctor today. Michael and his dad took it out to the body shop tonight. I hope we have it back by the weekend. But, it could be early next week. I already miss it. I will be driving Michael's Explorer and he'll be driving his dad's truck until I get my van back. I really do not like driving the Explorer. I can never get comfortable in it. If I get the seat close enough to reach the pedals then I am right up against the steering wheel. Which really scares me now that I know what an air bag feels like. His steering wheel is up higher than mine too so if the air bag went off it would probably break my nose. He tells me, well don't run into anything, then. Yea, thanks for that little bit of advice.

Monday, November 17, 2008

November 17, 2008

I like to watch the show Heros. I don't always watch it when it airs. Most of the time I end up watching it online because I get behind by a couple weeks. I managed to get caught up today. This season is finally starting to get interesting to me. Up to this point I have not enjoyed it as much as the first two seasons. It just seems to jump around TOO much. There is one thing that still is bothering me. I keep wondering how many times they are going to kill Peter or throw him out a window or other such thing. He's sure getting the crap beat out of him this season.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

November 16, 2008

I've spent the greater part of the day working on Christmas lists. Why does that take so long? I'm still not finished. Hopefully by mid week I'll have all three lists; mine, Caleb's and Michaela's. Other than that I've done laundry and took the kids to play rehersal at church. Nothing else going on today.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

November 15, 2008

It's been a busy day, but a good day. Michaela and I went out this morning to get an inflatable mattress for sleep over nights this morning. We went to Toys R Us, because they had one in their ad. They were sold out when we got there. We found one just like it at Wal-mart for $5 cheaper.

After lunch I went to Sam's and bought Michaela's big Christmas present. Both kids are getting Nintendo DS Lites for Christmas. Sam's have them for a couple dollars cheaper than other places so I got it there. Next week I'll probably go back and get Caleb's.

Tonight was a lot of fun. We took the kids to Incredible Pizza. We had Taylor with us. It was a really neat place. They have a buffet with pizza, pasta, salad, tacos and potatoes. They also have tons of desserts. They kept everything really well stocked, too. They seemed to keep the flow of people going well, too. It was very busy, but you could move and it did not get crazy like CEC can get.

The kids each got their own swipe card which is what Incredible Pizza uses instead of tokens. They played some arcade games and got some tickets. They also did the mini bowling which was really cool and did the glow in the dark mini golf. Caleb wanted to ride the go carts really bad, but we didn't put that much money on the cards. The go carts, mini golf, mini bowling and bumper cars are all over $3.00 each. The arcade games are all between 25 cents and $2.50.

Having Taylor with us was a lot of fun. She's a great kid. I could do more sleep overs with her gladly. But, we'll wait until after holidays to do any more sleep overs. We need to find a friend for Caleb to do a sleep over with.

Friday, November 14, 2008

November 14, 2008

Tonight we got some really good deals. When Michael got home I got everyone into the car and we went out. We had supper at Arby's and then headed to the mall. JC Penny's has been having some killer sales lately and Michael needs a new coat so we went to look at coats.

Michael was not ready to commit. No surprise there. It would shock me to no end if he bought anything on first site. But, we did get two pairs of pants for Caleb and a new coat for Michaela for under $44.00. I was impressed!

After we left the mall we did our weekly Wal-mart shopping. I wanted to do it tonight so I wouldn't have to do it tomorrow. But, we realized we forgot some things so I'll have to go back out sometime.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

November 13, 2008

It's been a very uneventful day. I am happy for this. I am hoping for tomorrow to be uneventful, too. The last three weeks in a row something has happened that was not good. Three weeks ago was when my cellphone was stolen. Two weeks ago was when I had my accident. And, last week was when I missed three days of work because of the bronchitis. I'd like to make it through this whole week with nothing major happening.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November 12, 2008

It is my 14th Wedding anniversary. I cannot believe it's been that long already. I love remembering our wedding. It really was a magical day. I'm still really proud of being married to Michael. I love him so much.

I don't know when or if we're going to be able to do any formal celebrating. Tonight is girl scouts for Michaela. Tomorrow night is boy scouts for Caleb. Saturday is more boy scouts and Michaela is finally going to get to have her sleep over. I guess that's what happens when you have kids. I don't mind too much really. We'll find some time together and I love being with my kids, so it's all good.

Michael did bring home some BEAUTIFUL flowers for me tonight. It was a little bit of a surprise because I'd told him I didn't want anything since we had the porch put in and we've got a deductible we're going to have to pay on the van. It was a wonderful surprise.

I gave him his cologne that he ran out of a while back and we've been having trouble finding. He was happy with that. It was a good day.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November 11, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day!

I can't believe it's just about the middle of November already. There are only 43 days left until Christmas. My last day of work before Winter Break is December 19 and that is just a little over a month away. This year our first semester ends on that day, too, so it'll be half way point of the school year.

I guess both of the kids are going to get Nintendo DS Lites this year for Christmas. It's what they both want. Michael and I have decided to just buy one a week over the next couple weeks and pay cash for them. They will each get a game or two and some clothes and that will be about it this year. I kinda want one, too, but I will probably not get one because it's just a little frivolous for me at this point in time considering all we need to do to the house.

Monday, November 10, 2008

November 10, 2008

It was back to work for me today. My classroom was in tact and looked pretty good. They sent the substitute I’d asked for. This made me very happy. My students missed me, too, which really made me happy.

It was a pretty good day. I got a lot accomplished and my students seemed very eager to learn today. It was nice just to get back into the routine. I just hope it’s a non-eventful week. I’ve had enough eventful weeks for a while.

Michaela had gymnastics tonight. I was so tired I could not even bring myself to read my book I brought along. I guess still getting over being sick and getting back into normal routine can be a bit tiring. But, it’s a good tired for a change. What was cool was the last two mornings I’ve actually woke up with my mouth closed. I was breathing out of my nose!!!! Yes, that is something to celebrate.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

November 9, 2008

It was another active day. After church we went out to eat at Locos with some friends from church. We kind of made it a long lunch. We were there until after 2:00 pm. It was nice to sit and talk with them.

When we got home, Michael and his dad got back to work on the railing. I Freecycled a few things. It always feels good to get rid of something taking up space, especially when you know it’s going to another home instead of just being thrown out. We got rid of a television, vcr, and two typewriters and a box of scrap booking magazines. They had all been taking up space in our closet under our stairs.

I also did the laundry today, well most of it anyway. I got one thing for work completed and emailed it to my principal.

The kids had rehearsal for the church Christmas program tonight, too. I’m kind of dreading going back to work because I’m afraid of what kind of shape my classroom is in, but I’m looking forward to seeing my students.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

November 8, 2008

Today was more active for me. I’m still coughing, but I know that can last for another couple weeks yet. At least it’s easier coughing now and not so heavy.

We did our Wal-mart shopping today. We went down to Chesterfield to one of the new Supercenters that opened up recently. It’s very nice. I really wish we had one closer to us.

We stopped and had lunch at Old Spaghetti Factory and then came home. Michael and his dad worked on the railing on our front porch most of the afternoon. I did a few things around the house but nothing major. The kids cleaned their rooms and did their other chores. Caleb is getting better at his room, but still has a ways to go yet.

I went to the grocery store to get some stew meat, too. I wanted to use my new crock pot. I got one that has three different size crocks. It’s cool. I made my beef stew and let my beans for ham and beans soak at the same time. We’ll have the ham and beans tomorrow.

We had stew for supper tonight. I think I’m going to do some mulled cider just so I can say I used all three crocks that came with my crock pot. It’s been a pretty good day, but I am tired and ready for bed.

Friday, November 7, 2008

November 7, 2008

I think I slept better last night than I have in months. I am still tired because my body is working to try and get well, but I actually feel like I RESTED last night. I’d forgotten what that felt like. It’s nice.

I pretty much just lay around again today. Although, I did change the sheets on my bed. I just needed to feel like I was not sleeping in germs tonight. I also went to Walgreen’s and picked up an RX for Michael. He got a hold of his doctor today and they called out an RX for Zithromax for him. Now, Caleb is the only one in the house NOT on antibiotics.

This is insane. In the last 2 weeks we’ve gotten all three regular RX filled, I had three that had to be filled after my car accident, there were four on Wednesday when Michaela and I stayed home together and now another one for Michael. That’s 11 RX in 2 weeks time. What’s worse is 7 of them are mine! I’ve never had that many medications at once. I don’t think I’ve ever had that many medications in one year.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

November 6, 2008

I slept some today. I wish I could have slept more. The cough medicine makes me sleepy. I did exactly what I was supposed to do, nothing. I sat in bed with my laptop and played on line, looked through magazines and catalogues that have been stacking up and watched television. I still feel like crap but not having the stress of going to work has helped some. The Advair helps, too. It really makes it easier to breathe.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 5, 2008

Well, I did not go back to work as I had planned today. Michaela had a fever this morning and I did too. Some how I managed to get us both into see the doctor. Michaela has the beginnings of Bronchitis. The pediatrician gave her an RX for Zithromax.

I have full blown Bronchitis. My doctor gave me an RX for 10 days of Zithromax, Advair and codeine laced cough medicine and told me I could keep taking the Mucinex I’ve been taking. He also gave me a note saying I need to stay home for the rest of the week. I didn’t even fight it at all this time. That’s how tired I am and how crappy I feel. I need to get some rest.

Michaela has been stir crazy this afternoon. She is definitely going back to school tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November 4, 2008

It’s been a busy day today. I did not pick the kids up when school got out for them because I knew I’d be busy. They went to the camp that their school provides on half days instead.

I ended up taking the dog to the groomer, going to vote, doing the grocery shopping, picking the dog up, unloading the groceries and putting them away, working on the check book, and taking the van for an estimate all before lunch. Then, after lunch I worked on some laundry, went to Wal-mart, picked up the kids and took the van for a second estimate.

We are going to use the second place. They said the parts should be in by Tuesday or Wednesday next week and that it would take them about a day to fix my van. That is quick fixing! I will be glad when it is fixed. I don’t like my baby being all messed up.

I am really tired. I wanted to try to get in to see the doctor today because of this cough. I’ve been fighting it now for almost 2 months and I’m just worn out from it. I cannot take it much longer. I’ll call the doctor tomorrow and see if I can get in sometime this week. If I have to I’ll leave work early.

Monday, November 3, 2008

November 3, 2008

Ok, so I'm not a lover of politics. Most people who know me, know this. I rarely will discuss who I vote for or what I vote for. I do not wear buttons or stickers. I refuse to have bumper stickers or other sticky stuff put on my car. I do not allow yard signs in my yard. And, I get very grouchy about politicians sticking stickers on my children during parades.

There are times when I'll let my opinion about social issues known, but most people should not assume they know how I vote because of this. There is one thing about politics I am passionate about. That is this stupid two party system. I firmly believe that we are all held in chains by the fact that we allow two elite groups of people run our lives. I will not say which group irritates me more. At this point, I'm not sure which one irritates me more myself.

I've been voting in presidential elections since the 1988 election. There have been times I voted for the candidate that won. Then, of course there are times that I have voted for the candidate that has lost. I've voted Republican some and I've voted Democrat some. But, my votes have also had times when they've gone to one of the lesser candidates.

Yes, there are more than two candidates for president and no those names are not on your ballot just to decorate it. These candidates are serious about what they believe in and are serious about wanting to make a difference. They see things that are very wrong with the way we do politics in this country and understand that true democracy is NOT what we practice.

This election has two major candidates that have been screaming about change. Honestly, I don't see it. But, then again, I'm from Missouri, you have to "show me." Talk is cheap. I propose that neither of them really understand what kind of change we need. That is a change in letting just two groups of people fight over who gets to sit at the "popular table" for four years.

I urge everyone out there, even if you think you are sure about who you want to vote for to do some research FIRST. Look at what the other three candidates stand for and what their parties stand for. Understand that we don't HAVE to just accept only two parties. If you are really passionate about change then consider real change.

I have been told that voting for a candidate that has no chance of winning is throwing away my vote. Ok, seriously? That is so much crap it is not even funny. Our vote was won for us in order that we use it to speak our beliefs and opinions. I'm wasting my vote if I vote for someone I do not believe in even if that person has a huge chance of winning. This is not high school and we are not voting for homecoming queen. You do have a choice beyond all the popularity hype.

The only wasted vote is a vote not cast. It may take a long time yet to change things so we have more than two parties that represent us, but every revolution was started with just a few voices. Think about our constitution, do your research, look at voting histories and listen to the voices that are not in your face all the time. You may hear something you did not realize was there. You may see this change everyone is talking about in a place you did not know existed.

As for me, I'm still undecided, but yet I AM going to vote even if I end up siding with a candidates that will not win. Making sure you exercise your right to vote is the most important thing, after all. Too many people died and sweat blood and tears so that we could have this right, to waste it.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

November 2, 2008

I am feeling a little better today as far as my soreness from my accident. My mouth still really hurts and it's hard to eat anything, but I'm sure that will lessen soon too. My cough has come back full force. I'm just really thrilled about that.

I spent most of the day in bed again, but I did fold some laundry. Michael put it in the washer and dryer, because I really still cannot lift/carry things too much. I don't like depending on someone else to do laundry. That's my thing and I'm really picky about how it's done. Anything else in the house, I don't care how it gets done, just as long as it gets done, but laundry I want done MY WAY.

The kids played outside a lot and Michael and his dad worked on the porch railing some today. Actually, they went and bought what they needed. They made about three trips before they got started and then of course the sun went down before they could get much accomplished.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

October 31, 2008

It took me four hours to get home today. Why did it take me four hours to get home? The plan was to go from work (remember I got off at noon today) to the credit union and take cash out, then go get Michaela's prescription at the drug store, grab a bite to eat, pick up the kids get them ready for trick or treating and head to main street.

I made it as far as the credit union. As I was pulling into the drive through lane at the credit union my steering wheel slipped out of my hands and I ended up running into the brick pillar separating the lanes. It hit in just the right spot that my air bag went off. They took me to the hospital on a back board with a neck brace in the ambulance.

They first did a pregnancy test because they wanted to do x-rays. No, I don't think I'm pregnant, it's a liability thing for them. Then, they did two sets of CT's. Then, they put stitches in my upper lip. Both my lips are beat up pretty bad. All tests came back normal.

I am told that tomorrow and Sunday I will have a bad headache and be very sore. They came me Rx for a muscle relaxer, vicodin, and 800 mg ibuprofen.

Michael's parents picked up the kids and took them to Main Street. I don't know what we're going to do about tonight. After the shake up of the accident and not having anything to eat since 6:30 this morning I'm feeling a bit light headed and weak. My mouth hurts so bad I don't want to eat and I'm drinking from a straw. Michael is at Walgreen's getting my prescriptions and Michaela's right now.

Michael's mom must have put the dishes that were in the sink in the dishwasher for me. I'd left them to do this afternoon while the kids were getting their costumes on. I'm embarrassed that she saw that and took care of it. Grateful, but embarrassed.

My firsts for today... never had air bags go off on me before... they stink. Never had stitches before. Never ridden in an ambulance before. I think I can do without experiencing any of those things again.

I also did not get to see my kids trick or treating for the first time ever. I think not getting to take them to Main Street or trick or treating tonight hurt more than anything. I hated missing out on that. I also had to cancel Michaela's sleep over for tomorrow night and it hurt her feelings a lot. That killed me. I wanted to get some better pictures of the kids in their costumes and did not get to do that either.

October 30, 2008

Tonight was Parent Teacher conferences at work. I had two parents show up and of course they were parents that I did not really need to talk to. I was very happy to see them and am always glad to see any parents, I just wish those who I need to talk to would come to school willingly.

When I left work I had to pick Michaela up from Gale and Llyod's house. They picked her up from violin lessons today. Then, Michael went to get her after he picked up Caleb from Guppy. They all had supper together and when Michael had to take Caleb to boy scouts, Michaela stayed with Gale and Lloyd.

I painted Michaela's fingernails black tonight so they'd be ready for her costume tomorrow. It was very fast drying polish because I had trouble getting it evened out on her nails before it got sticky. I'm looking forward to tomorrow and taking the kids to Main Street for trick or treating

November 1, 2008

I've spent most of the day in bed. I've been sore around my neck and shoulders mostly and the meds are making me groggy. My mom came over to see me and check on me this morning. She took my white shirt so that she could get the blood out of it. Michael's mom called to check up on me too.

I did manage to get the dirty clothes sorted and Michael said he'd do laundry. I don't usually let him touch the washer and dryer, but right now I don't care. I'm too sore and tired to worry about it much.

The kids have spent most of the afternoon either outside or next door playing with our neighbor's granddaughter. They love to go over there and play. Our neighbor called a little while ago and asked if they could stay over there to eat supper. I guess the kids told her about my accident. She was very kind and caring about it all.

I don't know what Michael and I will do about supper, but I'm sure we'll figure something out. Right now my eye lids are getting heavy again. That keeps happening. I am awake for a while and then all of a sudden I can't keep my eyes open. I need to take a shower, though. I did not take one last night because the doctor that did my stitches said I could not shower for 24 hours after the stitches were put in, so I feel really gross right now.