Saturday, May 10, 2008

May 10, 2008

Michael had to work today. It's the first time he's had to work on a Saturday in a while. I really don't like it when he has to work on Saturdays. The thing is I got into such a routine with Saturday mornings when he was working that it totally threw me off when he didn't have to work. It's silly, but when he's home I can't seem to keep that morning routine and it throws off my book keeping practices. But, I'd still rather he be home.

Soon, Saturdays are going to be different anyway. Caleb's t-ball is on Saturday mornings now. It was really the only time I could him in. They don't seem to offer much in the way of week nights for his skill level. Next summer he will probably be starting actual baseball.

Michael brought Subway home for lunch. After lunch I started laundry and then took the kids up to my mom's. They had a date to plant flowers and vegetables and then come back here to plant sunflowers. Michael was mowing the lawn next door.

That's when I went off to the mall by myself. Yes, by myself. How wonderful to be able to wander around a mall without having to worry about anyone else's pace. I went to The Mills because they have a store there that has all this smell good type stuff and I wanted to get my mom's mother's day gift there. I got her this lamp thing that you sit smelly crystals on top of, some crystals to go with it and oil to freshen the crystals when they stop being smelly.

Then, I went to Achievers. I do not allow myself to go in this store but once or twice a year because I always spend so much in there. I did get some things I really needed, though. The sales people kept bugging me which was annoying as I had my iPod with me and was listening to my most recent audio book.

Finally, I went to The Children's Place Outlet. I love that store. They ALWAYS have some kind of sale going on. I ended up getting two shirts and a pair of shorts for Caleb and two pairs of shorts and a shirt for Michaela. I spent under $50 for all of that IN SEASON merchandise.

When I came home we decided we needed to go get MIL's gift. We went to three stores, in the rain, before we finally found a really nice fern for her. She likes to set them on her front porch. It is so full and has all these shades of green in it. It's really pretty.

Next, we went to the Sprint store. It was time to get new phones and add Michael to the same plan I'm on. This means we upped our minutes. But, the price is not bad at all. Especially since most of the people Michael calls are all on Sprint, so we don't get charged for those minutes. I got a really cool green Rumor phone. Michael got a blue Katana. I've been having a lot of fun with my phone already. This is probably my Mother's Day gift. I wonder since Michael got something too, does this mean I get something on Father's Day? *LOL* j/k

We went out to eat and then came home. I spent the evening getting the kids clean and making Mother's Day cards. My cards are pretty good. Not a great as I'd like, but they are still pretty.

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