Friday, May 16, 2008

May 16, 2008

Tonight was Caleb's KG graduation and I bawled so bad. It didn't help that two of the teachers who had had Caleb as a 3 and 4 year old were sitting behind me crying over all their "babies" graduating. Our cam corder broke last night so we have no video. I think this upset Michael even more than me. I did video a few small segments between taking pictures with my camera.

It was a good night, though. They did the dance recital with all the kids that take dance through the school. Then, the KG graduates came out and we watched a video they did of them that was so cute and so funny. After that, they showed off with some stuff they'd learned throughout the year. Then, they went backstage to get their caps and gowns on.

During this time the people who run little guppy did their thing... "state of Little Guppy address" and awards to staff members and stuff like that. They really do a good job of showing support and gratitude to their staff.

They added a new award this year for any staff member that used to be a student and came back to work there and is a dedicated worker. They named it after one of their former students who died earlier this school year. He was a little boy who was in KG at a public school this year. His brother had been in Michaela's 3rd grade class until they moved away after the younger boy passed away. Michael even teared up over that one.

Then, it was time for the walk. Caleb's class came out in their caps and gowns and got their "diplomas." Or as a KG teacher at my school calls it their B.A. in Rhyme. I thought that was cute. After they got their diplomas, each child's parents were called up to the stage and their child gave their mom a rose. I wanted to grab him so bad and run off some where where I could keep him my little boy for at least a little longer.

After that they did the slide show. This is where they've taken pictures that parents have given them and pictures taken throughout their years at Little Guppy and put it into a slide show. Of course we're all crying through that. Michaela even cried through it last night.

After it was all over my brother and SIL followed us back to our house because Caleb wanted them to watch him open his present. Then, he and Michaela played Super Mario Cart until around 9:30. We were all tired so my brother and SIL went home, the kids went to bed.

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