Monday, May 26, 2008

May 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to Karen, my SIL. And, happy birthday to Abby. Karen is 33 today and Abby is 11. Abby didn't feel too well this morning. She yelped in the middle of the night and then went to hide under the bed. At about 8:00 am I finally coaxed her out. It seemed after she ate and moved around some she was better. She's acting like our dog again.

We went to my mom's for BBQ today, but of course had to spend most of the time inside because it was raining AGAIN! I'm sick of rain. In case I hadn't mentioned it before. It was a nice meal and believe it or not we all got along the whole time.

Of course my mom, Karen and I talked in the kitchen and some outside between rain storms and the men stayed in the living room watching baseball. That probably helped. We stayed there until early evening and then came home.

My brother and Karen followed us home. Brandon played Mario Kart with Caleb some. It made him decide he wants a Wii. Then, the kids and I "showed off" on DDR. *LOL* None of us are any good at it, but it's still fun.

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