Sunday, May 18, 2008

May 18, 2008

Could we actually be getting some spring? The last two days have been wonderfully beautiful outside. We've had two whole days of sunshine and temperatures in the 70's. It's supposed to stay in the 70's all week, too.

When I was out doing errands yesterday I drove past our local open air produce market. There is also an open air plant shop right next to it. They both were just packed with people. With the sun being out and being able to drive around with my window down it really finally started feeling like warmer seasons. I feel like summer may actually come this year.

Michael decided to start building the new area for our garden today. He decided to move it to another part of the yard this year. Where we had it has gotten to the point where it does not get sun except for early morning. Plus, we've planted tomatoes up there so many times, I think the soil has said, 'ENOUGH!' So, we're putting it next to the wall that was built last summer for the swimming pool. There is sun on this part of the yard most of the day until late afternoon.

I've been nursing my sore back most of the day. Well, between loads of laundry anyway. The kids have been outside most of the day. They have played Mario Cart on and off, too. But, mostly they have been outside. They are going to probably need extra soap to get clean tonight. They played on the jungle gym in the back yard and in the sand box. They've had friends over some, too.

I am going to try and color my hair tonight, but am not sure I'll get a chance to do so. We'll see. Other than that there's not much else going on here today.

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