My head hurts, my arm hurts and my neck hurts. My arm is from playing Wii so much the past couple days. It's just not used to being swung around that much. My neck hurts because I ignored my headache long enough that it's moved down. I'm not sure why my head hurts. It could be from fatigue. It could be because I did not eat any breakfast and had a soda before I ate lunch. Plus, I didn't really have any protein for lunch. Or, it could be I'm just tired.
I got up when Michael went to work this morning and have been going non-stop mostly. I spent the first hour and half at the computer updating our banking records and paying bills. I was three weeks behind on updating stuff. I'm never behind on paying bills, though. And, today I got two things paid off! Yeah! It's always a good feeling to get things paid off.
After the kids had breakfast and I had a chance to make my lists we were off. We had to go to the credit union ATM for some cash. Then, it was off to Walgreen's to get Michaela's prescription (which she hadn't had for two days) and Michael's prescription. I got a couple other things, too.
I got very annoyed while we were there. They had a new pharmacist working and when we stepped up to the counter she didn't look over for a couple minutes. Then, when she did look over she said, "someone will be with you in a moment." After which she proceeded to turn away and make a phone call. Now, I'm sure the phone call was job related, but she didn't make any effort to get anyone up front to help us.
We stood there for over five minutes waiting for someone to help us. Another woman stepped up and was getting frustrated, too. FINALLY, someone came up from the back. She was surprised we'd been there so long. I made sure I was heard by the pharmacist and the store manager that was near by when I commented on the fact that she did not even try to get someone to come help.
When we left Walgreen's we headed towards the grocery store. It has been three weeks since I've done normal, needs based, full out grocery shopping. I was very happy with myself, though and even though I spent a little extra for some things for tonight I managed to get out of the grocery store at $42 less than I was expecting.
There was a lady bagging her groceries at the same time we were bagging ours who started talking with the kids. Caleb announced that they have to clean the toilets today. Thank goodness this woman was a mom because she didn't flinch and just kept up her end of the conversation. She is the same age as me and is pregnant with her fourth child. God bless her. I have no idea how I'd manage four kids. She seemed like a very nice woman.
When we left the grocery store we had a couple other very quick stops to make and then came home. My wonderful children helped carry everything in without me even asking them to do so. I let them get Lunchables at the store for lunch so they dug those out and ate while I unpacked the groceries. I also got some stew meat browned and dumped in the crock pot with some seasonings and veggies so we can have stew for supper tonight. Then, I boiled some pasta for me and used up the rest of my marinara sauce from last night.
Now, we are taking a break until 1:00 p.m. Then, the kids will clean the bathrooms and do the vacuuming. I am going to clean the kitchen counters and sweep and mop the non-carpeted floors in the house and dust.
My mom, her boyfriend, my brother and his wife are coming over tonight. We are all going to play games and visit and eat snacks until midnight. Then, we'll say "cheers," they'll go home and we'll go to bed. I am hoping to get at least a shower in sometime this afternoon if I can get my cleaning done quickly enough.
Anyway, it's going to be a low key evening tonight. We are not big partiers and the past few years we've gone to bed by 10:30 on New Year's Eve. It's not like I have this insatiable need to make a huge deal of New Year's Eve, but the going to bed before midnight on that night makes me feel old. Very few things actually make me feel old, but that is one of them.
So, this is my last entry for 2007. It amazes me how fast it has gone. Time really does just fly by too fast. At this point I have only 377 days until I turn 40. How is that possible? In any case, I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year. My wish for each of my friends and my family is that 2008 brings you at least one dream come true.