It was rainy and icky a lot today. A cold front came back through so our temperatures dropped back down to winter weather later in the day. Michael and I were actually able to lay around in bed together until about 8:30 a.m. That NEVER happens. Caleb actually got his breakfast himself this morning. There are some great things about them getting older.
Michael spent most of the afternoon at the new building for his work. He took Griff with him. They were painting spots on the floor so people know where to put things when they start moving equipment into the building. Hopefully, that will be soon.
He didn't get home until after 6:30 p.m. I had to take the kids to church for practice. They are carrying things in the children's program this year. I left them there and went to get some stocking stuffers at the dollar store. I found a couple cute things but managed to keep it at a minimum. I was pretty proud of myself.
Tonight, I did some eBaying. I needed to find a Christmas sweater for Caleb. I was also hoping to get a bid in on an ornament. I've had this particular item in my watch list for almost a month. I missed it when it was up for auction. It ended before I realized it and did not get to bid. But, no one bought it. So, I was hoping that it would be re-listed. I got tired of waiting and emailed the person who was selling it. They relisted it for a one day auction. So, I bid on it today. I am the only one bidding on it so far.
I got a couple turtle necks for Michaela. I also bought something for me. I got Rankin Bass version of Twas the Night Before Christmas on DVD. That's one of my favorite Christmas specials from when I was a kid. It also has Frosty's Winter Wonderland on it. There are a couple other things I want, but I've eBayed way too much in the last few weeks. I'll have to leave it alone at least for the rest of the week.
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