Friday, December 28, 2007

December 27, 2007

Today we didn't do much productive stuff. We lazed around the house most of the morning. I managed to clean up my hard drive on my laptop some. I un-installed a few things, dumped some videos from iTunes onto external storage, defragged my C drive and moved all my pictures to the hard drive on the PC. Then, it was time to install my new version of Print Shop. I got Print Shop 22 Deluxe for Christmas. Print Shop has always been one of my favorite programs. This is my 5th version of it that I have owned.

Late in the morning we drove to St. Louis Science Center. We went to see Santa Vs. the Snowman at the Omnimax theater. We tried to do this last year during this time but when we got there the tickets were sold out. But, this year we were able to get in. I'd never seen that movie before and neither had the kids.

It was a little on the warped side, but it was a cute movie. It had a sweet ending to it. The kids loved it. So, it was a good time. After we watched the movie we got something to eat at the Science Center and wandered around for a VERY short time. The place was PACKED and people were just standing in groups everywhere. We had a hard time getting out of the restroom because there were two groups of people standing there talking that would not move. I'm not a big crowd person to begin with so of course those types of things just irritate me. We left at that point so I would not get too grouchy.

The afternoon at home we spent just hanging out. The kids played Wii and with some of their new toys. I tried to re-watch the first four episodes of LOST season 3, but of course with two kids in the house it's very difficult to watch anything.

After supper, Caleb and I played Wii and Michaela played her new plug and play game called Dream Life. She loves it and spent a lot of time with it last night. It's a game where she gets to design her own "life" including friends and things like that. She really had fun with it last night.

I managed to unlock two of the locked games on Carnival Games last night. It's taken me a couple days to start understanding what to do with Carnival Games, but now I'm really getting into it. It's fun. I still cannot wait until we get Raving Rabbids 2. I'm sending back the two games we have now from GameFly and Raving Rabbids is the next one on our game Q.

We have Thrillville and Lego Star Wars from GameFly right now. I was not impressed by Thrillville. It would not let me build my roller coaster without going through the tutorial over and over again and that was just REALLY annoying. The Star Wars one was cute and I'm sure when Caleb is a little older he'll enjoy it, but it was too much for me to concentrate on all at once.

After the kids went to bed, Michael and I bowled on the Wii again. He beat me twice and I beat him twice. It's cool to spend that time playing with him and not having the kids underfoot. It's a fun way to connect with each other. We don't get a whole lot of time to just play like that.

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