Thursday, December 20, 2007

December 20, 2007

Tomorrow night at this time I will be able to forget about work for over a week. That sounds so wonderful. I will be very happy to be at the beginning of my break.

I should be wrapping presents, but I'm going to wait for a little while more until the kids are in bed. They are getting ready for bed right now. Eight o'clock really snuck up on me tonight.

Michael should be home a little earlier tonight. He left work about an hour ago. He had to stop up at our duplex. My mom's side seems to be having problems with the furnace. We just bought a furnace for the other side a month or so ago. I hope this one can easily be fixed, another new furnace really is not in the budget.

He was going to stop by and see if it needs a new thermostat. If it does he's going to go to Lowe's and buy one and put it in for my mom and Griff. I hope it's that simple.

I've been watching Family Channel with the kids tonight. They had on my favorite Dr. Seuss tonight, The Lorax. I love that video. Now, they have on the Jim Carry version of How The Grinch Stole Christmas. I had to make a card for Michael to give to his employees. I just made a simple thing on Print Shop in note card size. Michael is supposed to bring home some note cards to print on.

I'm waiting for Michaela to get her pj's on and then I'll read to the kids and tuck them into bed. After that, I'll go wrap some presents. I think.

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