Today was a little busy here at home. Michael had to go back to work so it was just the kids and me. We lazed around until around 9:00 a.m. Then, it was time to be productive.
We had to run to Walmart. Abby was completely out of food and there were a couple other things we needed. We managed to get that done fairly quickly and then came home.
Yesterday was the day to clean up the Christmas present clutter. We always just bring in the presents still in bags and boxes from my mom's on Christmas Eve and from Michael's family on Christmas evening. And, the presents we open at home are basically just sitting in piles around the living room.
So, the kids and I did a little re-organizing in their rooms. This included moving Michaela's dresser (actually we just swung it in a different direction) and cleaning out from under Caleb's bed. Then, we put away all the toys and clothes and other stuff. It took us a large part of the day. We did stop to eat lunch in the middle, but it took us quite a while. Of course, I worked at it a lot longer than they did. But, I'm the mom.
The kids play Wii a lot. They played with Caleb's Mac Playtown and Michaela's Polly Pocket Race to the Mall. Caleb had his Leapster L-Max out because he got three new games to go with it. And, Michaela registered her two new Webkinz online and played around on that website for a while, too.
We also took Anikca's present and the gift set we got for her parents to Anikca's house. They were not home so we left it on the step. Anikca called later and talked to Michaela. Michaela said that Anikca loved her present and that they all were enjoying the gift set.
After supper the kids and I played Wii together. My goodness I didn't realize it buy my arms are sore from playing it so much on Christmas evening. It really can be a work out!
When Michael got home I was playing Tennis against the computer. I WON!! Woo Hoo, me! The kids and I got four Mii's made so we don't have to play as guests anymore.
After I won at Tennis, the kids and I decided to play Michaela's Disney Scene It game. This meant hooking up Michaela's new DVD player to her television, which was actually pretty painless. Disney Scene It is a lot of fun. Michaela won.
Now, the kids are in bed and it's time for me to go to bed.
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