Wednesday, December 19, 2007

December 17, 2007

This is the last week of work for me for 2007. My break is relatively short compared to other districts, but I still get a whole week and two more days the following week off. It will be nice to have that break.

Tonight Caleb and I went to Target while Michaela was at gymnastics. We got some candy to put in the goody bags for both their classes and my class. We also got a few staple food items. We looked at Christmas stuff and at Wii stuff. It was nice just Caleb and me.

After we came home the kids went to bed and I sorted through Christmas presents. I decided to label each gift for the kids and put a sticky note on them to remember who each one is from. I am going to wrap them later on this week.

That took longer than I expected. It's going to be almost midnight before I get to bed.

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