Friday, March 4, 2011

March 4, 2011

I went back to work today. I still do not feel good, but I needed to be at work. It was a long day. I had six students absent. There are so many kids out sick, it is scary.

Tonight when I got home, the kids and I had to get things packed up. This is the weekend we are in Columbia for Michaela's district swim meet. If she doesn't make state, then we are finished with swim meets for the school year.

When Michael got home he brought suit cases with him. We had the car packed up and headed out of town around 6:30 or so. At least is was something like that. It was storming pretty bad when we left, but by the time we got to Wentzville is was pretty much over, although parts of the trip there were very strong winds.

By the time we got to the hotel, got checked in and found an Applebee's we were eating supper around 9:00 p.m. I wish I felt better because I think tomorrow morning is going to come way too fast and may be painful.

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