I was able to pick him up early since I got to leave work earlier than usual today due to my inservice. We picked Sissy up from school and came home. He played on the Internet for a while until Daddy came home.
Then, he got to open his presents. He got two Transformers (Swinole and Dropkick), a Webkinz Collie, and Mater National game for Wii. He was very thrilled with them all.
For supper we went to Chuck E. Cheese's as per the birthday boy's request. The kids had a blast. It was not crowded at all so it was actually pretty relaxing. They ended up with 353 tickets to add to their growing stash.
Finally, we went to Michael's parents' house. Caleb opened his presents from them. They got him a pitching machine. It's just a little plastic one that pitches plastic balls, but he was happy with it. He and his sister played with it in their basement some.
We came home and there was only about 10 minutes left until bedtime. I let them get in their p.j.'s and told them they could stay up until 8:15 playing because Caleb really wanted to get his hands on his Transformers.
So, that was the day for Caleb. He had a very good 6th birthday. He's still got his party coming up on February 2 which he's excited about.
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