Monday, January 14, 2008

January 13, 2008

It was kind of a busy day today. We went to church after not doing much in the morning. Michaela took her cookie sales sheet with her and did pretty good. She sold probably close to 50 boxes just at church. Pretty good for a small church.

After we ate lunch, Michaela and I went to pick up Lauren. Lauren played over here for a few hours until her mom came to get her. They had somewhere to be by 4:00 p.m. Which was fine because we had somewhere to be by 5:15.

Tonight was the girl scout cookie kick off rally. They had it at a skating rink. The girls from all the troops in the neighborhood go to roller skate for a couple hours. There were snacks, girl scout cookies included of course, drinks and some games on the skating floor. They all had fun. I saw a lot of people I know and got to talk to one of the other moms I like for a while. It was a good time. But, I forgot my camera. However, the other mom that I talked to took pictures and sent them to me online already, so it's all good.

I did a little more laundry when I got home and watched two episodes of LOST.

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