I've been remiss in writing in my blog for the past few days. The weekend went by quickly. Not a whole lot happened. At least nothing exciting.
Michael did not work for the first Saturday in weeks. He finally put his foot down and said he would not work. I was proud of him. But, he was really grouchy most of the weekend. Part of it is because he's been battling a headache. He slept most of the day Saturday, which I think he really needed. We ate all our meals at home on Saturday, which is very unusual for us. But, it was kind of nice to just be home. The only time we were out and and about was in the morning. We went to Wal-mart and only had to get a few things. Then, we went to Sam's and ordered Caleb's cake for his party and then to Walgreens to get a prescription. That was it.
The kids got to play outside both Saturday and Sunday. As a matter of fact they were outside from the time we got home from eating out after church until supper time. They really enjoyed the outside time. It was nice that it got warm enough for them to go outside for some fresh air.
I started getting sick on Saturday night. I really didn't feel good. It was mostly just a headache, but I went to bed without taking anything hoping it was just a headache. No such luck. I woke up feeling icky on Sunday. I took some Advil and felt ok to get laundry started and go to church. We went out to eat after church and I was able to eat, but my appetite wasn't what it usually is.
By the time we got home and I got started on folding clothes I was achy all over and just wanted to lay down. I did some laundry, worked on report cards but did not get them finished. I also did not get lesson plans done. I just couldn't concentrate on it. I finally broke down and took some generic Dayquil. It helped some. I was able to function enough to get laundry done and make supper for my family, but I did not eat. I just couldn't face food.
I did finally force myself to eat some Raspberry Sherbet around 8:45 p.m. I watched one episode of Jericho's first season and then could not wait any longer to get in the shower. I just felt so horrible. I only took Advil before bed because my system is very sensitive to cold remedies. If' I'd taken NyQuil, I'd never have gotten up in the morning.
I felt really bad this morning. I made myself wait until 6:00 a.m. to take some DayQuil. I also had a dose of Advil about an hour later. This made it possible for me to function enough to teach. I wasn't at my best, but I was better than I would have been if I'd not taken anything. Those meds lasted me until about 3:00 p.m. which would have been ok except I had to tutor this afternoon. By then I was afraid to take more DayQuil because I don't want to be up all night. So, I waited until I was on my way home to take some Tylenol. It took that about an hour to help me feel better. It has helped the aches and pains, but not the runny nose, cough, itchy ears, and sinus pressure. I hate sinus infections.
Something interesting happened at work today. Our reading coach came to me and asked me to model for a group of third grade teachers from another building. This means in a couple weeks, they will come to my room and watch me for two hours during my entire reading block to see how I fit in all the things we're supposed to fit into that time period. It seems she was "bragging" about me during a training session with third grade teachers and they all asked to come watch me. Lord, this makes me nervous as hell.
Tonight Michaela did not go to gymnastics. She had a very slight fever when we got home and said she wasn't feeling well. She even got into her pj's right away. Which is really not like her. I think she probably would have been ok to go with a dose of Tylenol, but considering the fact that I am sick and I don't want her to get worse, we stayed home.
Now, she is laying on the couch watching American Gladiators with her daddy and brother. I am in my bedroom watching Jericho. It starts back up in a couple weeks and I want to re-watch the first season so I remember everything. At least it's only one season to re-watch and not three like LOST. Although, I'd go back and watch all those all over again, and again, and again, and again, too.
But, as soon as the kids are tucked into bed, I'm taking a shower. I'm just hoping I can make it through the night without taking anything more than Advil. I just hate feeling this way, but chances are if I take something else I'll not be able to get up in the morning. It's not a good week for me to miss work.
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