Saturday, January 12, 2008

January 11, 2008

So, today is my birthday. It started out great. Caleb was the first one to say happy birthday to me. It was this morning when I was getting my breakfast and he was still eating his. We were the only two in the kitchen. He looks up at me with those big blue eyes and smiles and says, “Happy Birthday, Mommy. I love you.”

It was a pretty good day at work, too. The kids were on their best behavior today and I was so proud of them. They all worked really hard on their weekly tests.

The attendance secretary even went to one of the kindergarten teachers and got a “Happy Birthday” sticker for me to wear on my shirt. The kids got a kick out of that. And, all my co-workers were very kind. It was a fun day.

Of course between my grandmother and my mother it’s a wonder I have any self-esteem whatsoever. Yesterday, I got my birthday card from my grandmother. It says in it Happy 39th, the last of the thirties, next year it’s over the hill. This coming from a woman that will be 80 in October.

Then, today after work I noticed there was a message on my cell phone. It was from my mom. She sang happy birthday to me and then proceeds to say, “Today is a much nicer day than they day you were born.” Gee, thanks Mom! I am assuming she meant the weather is nicer today than it was 39 years ago, but still.

Tonight was good, too. My MIL and FIL took us out to eat at Pasta House for my birthday. It was YUMMY! They gave me a gift certificate for a 1/2 hour massage to Salon De Cristie and some cash to pay for the tip. I'll probably go the day after Easter when I have the day to myself.

When we got home from the restaurant, I opened my gifts from Michael and the kids. I got the sound track to Grease! I've been wanting another copy of that for a long time. I had it on LP back in high school, but of course that was a long time ago and it was played so much it wore out. Now, I can put it on my iPod. I need to do that with the Poison CD I got from Michael for Christmas, too.

I also got Raving Rabbids 2 for the Wii. Michael said it was the only game on my list he could find. So, now we can send the rented copy back. We played that most of the night. I've got another Wii remote and nunchuk ordered so I can play with the kids when we play Raving Rabbids, because when you do multi player on that you all play at the same time and cannot share a remote. I found a remote online for about $6 less expensive than they usually are.

There was also a bottle of Blackberry wine sitting next to my gifts from a Missouri winery. I'm going to put that away for a special occasion. Open it sometime when my mom or someone else is here to share it with.

Michael is still working a lot. Not like he was before Christmas, but still a lot. He was so tired last night he fell asleep before 9:00. I guess my being sick and creating extra stuff for him to do at home by breaking my window probably didn't help.

The kids went to bed around 9:00 pm, too. At this point I'm having problems with my wireless router and am hoping that leaving it unplugged for 30 minutes will rectify the situation. In any case, I'm off to bed soon. I think I had a very good 39th birthday.

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