Monday, January 14, 2008

January 14, 2008

Cookie sales are in full swing now. I took my sheet to work and I think it's got over 100 boxes on it so far. My mom took a sheet to work, too but I've not talked to her so I don't know if she got a chance to get any orders. Michael took one with him, but was too busy to ask anyone. I don't like to take Michaela around the neighborhood. We have a lot of senior citizen neighbors and I feel guilty asking them to spend their money on anything.

Work was ok today. It was Monday, but not a bad Monday. I did have some problems getting them to focus today, but nothing horribly bad. I think my one little girl that would not complete assignments may be gone. They've been questioning her residency and she's not been back to school since we've been back from Winter Break.

Tonight was Michaela's gymnastics night. I had to go to Best Buy and get a new wireless router so I did that while she was at gymnastics. Our router died and we've been having to use only one computer on the Internet since Friday. They had exactly what we needed on sale so that was cool.

Michaela is almost doing a front pull over on the bars by herself. She's pouting because she's still having trouble with back rolls. My goodness the child has only been going to gymnastics since August and she only goes once a week. She really has very little patience for things that do not come easy for her.

Anyway, it is very nice to be able to be online with my laptop again. We were also able to get our Wii hooked up to the Internet so now we can download games if we ever feel the need. We can also check the weather and news and share pictures with the Wii.

Our third remote came in the mail today, but I've not told anyone yet. I'm waiting until the nunchuck comes, which should be soon.

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