Sunday, January 6, 2008

January 6, 2007

Today did not go as planned for me. I had all the good intentions of getting all kinds of things done for work. HA! I got the bed linens changed and laundry started and sat down to work on stuff for work. I keep my grade book and attendance online. So, I logged onto the Internet.

Well, my computer has been doing stupid things like constantly telling me about security certificates, not letting me stay logged onto my gmail and not letting me log onto MyPoints at all because it keeps saying my cookies are not turned on. They are turned on.

I dealt with it all long enough to get my attendance updated online. But, it was really starting to drive me crazy. So, I messed around with the cookies and security and stuff like that all I know how to do. No luck. So, I ran a spyware check. Everything is clean. So, I ran a virus check. Nothing found there either. So, I downloaded the newest version of Explorer. It's still doing stupid stuff. It's driving me crazy and I've managed to waste most of the day on it.

I did manage to get laundry done. And, I did make both lunch and supper today. I also cleaned up all the dirty dishes during the day. But, I've not gotten lesson plans written. I'll see what I can get done in the morning at work.

I also managed to cut my hand. I'm not sure how. I think I scraped it on the wooden magazine rack that sits at the end of the love seat when I made sure the lamp was plugged in all the way. It's not a deep cut and it didn't even really bleed. But, it's sore and I think I bruised my hand right there where the cut is too. I'm not happy about this.

Michael spent the whole day working on the garage. He took down the rickety wooden shelves that were on the back wall and attached metal shelving he brought home from work that they were throwing out to the wall. He put some on the wall on my side of the garage, too. He re-organized everything. He did such a great job. He's so tired, now though. He's going to be sore tomorrow, probably.

Caleb's fever finally broke this morning. He's been fever free all afternoon and evening. So, he's going to school tomorrow. I need to be at work because tomorrow is a tutoring day. He was really full of energy tonight and wanting to eat every thing under the sun. I'd say he's better.

Michaela was wiped out tonight. She fell asleep on the couch downstairs. She didn't turn on the television or anything. Just went down there to lay down. I had a heck of a time waking her up so she could go to bed.

Well, I think the research I've been doing came to a conclusion tonight. I have one last thing to check on tomorrow and if things go the way I am hoping I'll post what it's all about in my next blog entry. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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