Saturday was a lot of relaxation and fun. I did start out the day by paying bills and updating the checkbook. This was not a small task. I think I've mentioned before that I don't have any problems getting the bills paid on time every week, but I do have a tendency to just go online, pay bills and that's it, without updating Quicken and/or the check book register.
So, I had three weeks worth of banking that had not been recorded. Since neither of us carries cash and we use our debit cards mostly, that's a lot of stuff to enter. But, I got it caught up. Sometime soon I need to reconcile, though. It's been a couple months since I've done that.
The kids and I just hung out around the house most of the morning. I did not go to Walmart this Saturday. It was very cold and Michaela has a cough. Plus, there really is nothing we need that cannot wait a day or two.
We had soup and sandwiches for lunch. Michael offered to pick something up on his way home, but nothing sounded good to me and the kids were wining about not wanting this or that so soup and sandwiches it was.
I laid on the bed and watched Season 2 episodes of LOST most of the afternoon. Michael decided to work on our network. Since we got the new router, we had not secured it yet because Michael wasn't sure what to do. He called his brother and got some advice from him. But, then still got to the point where he wasn't sure what to do.
You see, we needed my laptop, the desk top and the Wii to be able to see the network, but did not want anyone else in the neighborhood to have access to it. I guess it's a bit complicated. I know I don't understand all that stuff so I just let him do his thing.
Anyway, he got to a point where he needed more help so he called my brother. Brandon tried to help from home, but that was not working so he and Karen came over. I told Brandon I wanted him to see if he could figure out what was wrong with my browser, too. I was still having problems with it. I knew it was probably something simple, but something I didn't know about.
So, Michael and Brandon work on the network. The got it all set up and secured with very little problems. Then, Brandon went to work on my browser. He started doing all the stuff that I'd already done and it didn't work. Then, he un-installed some things that I've not been using for a long time and cleaned up my hard drive some. This did not take long because I'd just done this a couple weeks ago. Still my browser was giving that stupid security certificate message.
Then, Brandon decided to download Firefox browser. He thought that maybe a different browser would work better. It didn't, but it did give us better information on what was causing the problem. It said something about the date. I can't remember exactly what, but it prompted Brandon to look at the clock/calendar on my laptop. It was set to OCTOBER of 2008. Well, yeah, website security certificates from now will be expired then, but it's not October YET! Ok, so who would have actually thought to look there? I mean seriously, who opens the calendar on their computer to check it very often.
In any case Firefox helped us find the answer to the problem right away and of course Microsoft's product was vague and unhelpful. I'm really starting to hate Microsoft. All those problems I was having that were just making life difficult had a very simple solution and could have been fixed right away by myself had it just told me, "Dummy! Check your calendar it says it's October when it's only January." Grrrrrrr!
Now, I'm trying to decide if I want to install the tool bars that I use on Firefox and use it exclusively or what. It works the same as Explorer. It sure was a lot more helpful than Explorer ever would have been. I'm just leery of downloading the newer versions of the tool bars. Especially now that things are working and my hard drive has been cleaned up.
After we got the computer stuff all figured out we all went out to eat. We went to RT Weiler's and enjoyed some food together. Then, we came back to our house and played Wii. Karen wants one now. I boxed both Karen and Brandon and got to do something I've wanted to do since the day my parents brought him home from the hospital. I knocked him out!
Michael and Brandon tried out the Brunswick Bowling game we have rented from GameFly and seemed to really enjoy it. It is a lot more realistic and has better physics than Wii Sports bowling. I tried to play it some, but was having trouble figuring out the controls to it.
Brandon and Karen stayed until about 11:30. It's amazing how fast time goes when you're playing with that thing.
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