Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My New Year's Eve

I realized I did not talk about New Year's Eve at all in my Jan. 1 post. It was a fun evening. My mom and her boyfriend got here a little after 7:00. I was playing tennis on the Wii when they got here. We got them involved in bowling on the Wii.

My brother and SIL were an hour late, but there was no schedule so no big deal. We put out a bunch of snacks. We just munched and munched all night long.

We spent most of the evening playing with the Wii. My brother was going nuts because he couldn't beat me at bowling. You see he hardly ever loses when playing any kind of game and he's very competitive. Plus, in actual bowling his average is in the upper 200's. I am lucky if I break 100.

We stopped the Wii for a while close to 10:00 and played a round of T.V. Scene it. It was guys against girls and they beat us. They were behind most of the game but figured out how to catch up. It was a really fun game.

Then, my brother would not leave me alone until I bowled with him on the Wii again. I was so tired. He just couldn't take not beating me. I didn't care at that point, couldn't really focus and didn't really try. He beat me, but of course realized it was not the victory he wanted because I wasn't doing my best. But, that was enough for one night.

Around 11:30 we turned on NBC and waited for them to drop the ball for us. We all had a glass of champagne, toasted and then cleaned up the food. My mom and her boyfriend went home. The kids went to bed and my brother and SIL sat around for a little while longer.

Poor Abby was so beat. She kept looking at us with these very sad, tired eyes. I'm sure she was thinking, "What the heck? You're never up this late. It's time to go to sleep, c'mon guys."

My brother finally decided to leave when he saw my eyes wouldn't stay open. And, at that point we went to bed. I really enjoyed the evening. I hope we do it again sometime.

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