But, tonight it really got to me. The leader was trying to explain the procedure to putting out the April Showers bags and none of them were listening. They were giggling and talking (loudly) amongst themselves and interrupting the leader. I finally stood up and yelled "TIME OUT!" Mainly to get their attention. They quieted down and looked at me and I preceded to tell them they were being rude and disrespectful and that we needed them to listen. They all looked at me like I had two heads. Maybe I'm too used to being in the classroom, but I just cannot take that kind of behavior.
What gets me is there were four other moms there that told me they were happy that I did that and that the girls needed someone to reign them in, but I seem to be the only one there out of 6 adults that was willing to put my foot down. I guess I'm just the mean grouchy mom.
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