Monday, April 21, 2008

April 21, 2008

I think I'm suffering from burn out. I'm just not interested in work right now. I usually go through this toward the end of the year to some degree, but this year it's worse. I think all the crap that has gone on with the adults in my building has me just really needed my summer break. I hate to say this but I just don't want to look at most of my co-workers right now. Just having to be in the same room with some of them irritates me. No, it's not like that with all of them, but with enough of them to really make going to work difficult right now.

As for the kids, behavior has deteriorated some. It does every year at this time. They are getting tired and restless for summer, too. But, so far it's not nearly been as bad as they usually get. I will miss this class when the year is over, but I really will be glad when the school year is over.

I do have to say I'm feeling better than I was this morning. It took all I had to force myself to go to work. Of course once I'm there and interacting with my students I feel better. But, then after school I had a long talk with one of my co-workers that doesn't get on my nerves. As a matter of fact she's one of my favorite people. It felt good to talk to her and she is understanding what I'm going through and what I am feeling. So after talking her ear off, I feel a lot better.

Michaela has not been feeling good today. I think she's having trouble sleeping. She's been really tired and very irritable. She did not want to go to gymnastics tonight and I could tell she was really feeling some fatique so I did not make her go. Of course it's probably not helped that she's not had her medication since Thursday. Michael and I have had a really tough time remembering to go get it.

This happens every once in a while. And, honestly it's ok that it does because we're hoping that sooner or later she'll grow out of it so sometimes we need to see how she's going to react without it. Although, I have to say she's getting to the age where I'm starting to think she won't grow out of it. At least she's not near as bad as she was when she was little. And, we don't have to use an ihaler at all. I think we've had the nebulizer out once in 18 months, which is great for her. But, if she goes without her Singulair for a few days her body gets fatiqued and she catches upper respiratory diseases VERY VERY VERY easy.

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