Michael went to get his truck today. It was finally done. He went out to look at it to find that they had painted it a totally different shade then the rest of the truck and then got an attitude with him because he wouldn't accept it. So, we're still using a rental car.
My dishwasher was supposed to be delivered today. They didn't get here until supper time (nice timing, eh?). They got the old dishwasher out and then brought in the new one. As they were taking it out of the box, we could tell something was wrong. First of all it was white. We ordered black. Second of all it was not even a Maytag. It was some cheapo brand. We've looked it up and that brand only costs a couple hundred dollars. Um, wrongo!!! So, it has to be reordered. No telling when we'll get it.
A valve broke when they were taking out the old dishwasher so Michael and his dad have been rushing around this evening trying to get that fixed just to have another one break.
Then, just a little while ago I spent an hour typing a response to an email to a friend just to have gmail log me out and NOT save what I typed except for the first couple sentences.
My plan had been to quickly shift through some emails and then get started on a scrapbook page. I was going to do the one that I have to do for Caleb's class. And, here it is over an hour later and I've not started yet. So, now it's time to get to it.
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