It was back to work for me today. I found out today that tomorrow I will be out of the building again for a Reading First meeting. It's a meeting for the principal, reading coach and one classroom teacher from each building. Our Reading Coach picked me. I really wish she was not leaving us next year. I'm really going to miss her. I told her that when I see her at our all district in-service next August, I am going to make her feel really bad for leaving us. She laughed at me.
Tonight was gymnastics night. I guess I say that every Monday. But, then again every Monday is gymnastics night. It was time to pay for next month. Michaela got her t-shirt for their performance day in a couple weeks.
I took the clothes that Michaela and I had taken from her closet and drawers yesterday over to Stacey's house. Lauren was thrilled. She was having a ball going through them all. Some of them she will have to grow into as she's a very petite little girl and she is two years younger than Michaela, but we're definitely keeping her in clothes!! She was hoping the outfit that Michaela had on at church yesterday was in the bag. *LOL* Um, no that one still fits.
I sat and talked with Stacey for a while. I really enjoy talking with her. She's just a lot of fun and has a great sense of humor. Plus, it's nice to get to talk to an adult who I don't work with or am not related to.
I was going to get myself a burrito at Taco Bell before picking Michaela up, but the Taco Bell close to her gymnastics place is closed now. It looks like it's gone for good. I'm very sad about this. I hope her gymnastics place gets moved soon. The building they are moving to has an Arby's, Wendy's and Taco Bell close to it. I know I shouldn't eat fast food and I am trying really hard to cut back, but there are some things I'm going to enjoy once in a while no matter what.
It's Monday evening and I'm so wishing this week was over already. Tomorrow I don't think I'll have to go to the staff meeting, but I might. Hopefully, my principal will not expect me to go back to the building after our Reading First meeting. He usually doesn't.
Wednesday is just a regular Wednesday, although I do need to make sure I get my Career Ladder paper work done by then. That's when it's due. Because, on Thursday the other Career Ladder rep in my building and I have to go to the meeting where we go through everyone's paperwork. We have to decide if it is done correctly or if it needs to be fixed. This documentation determines whether or not we get paid for all the extra stuff we've done since last May. I'm sure that's going to be a long meeting.
Friday is a regular Friday and I'm leaving work as soon as I can. It's only Monday and I'm already ready for the weekend.
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