It's been another good day. Most of the day I've basically just been around home. I did clean up the kitchen some and got most of the laundry done. The kids have argued most of the day and pretty much driven Michael and I crazy, but if that's the worst we have to deal with then we're ahead of the game.
Michael took his motorcycle to the shop today. A friend of ours helped him because it could not be ridden. So, he came over with his trailer and they loaded it up on that. Hopefully, we'll have it back soon. We're going to have to pay extra on the license because we won't get it back before April is over and that's when the license is due on it.
Caleb had a birthday party to go to this afternoon. Michael took him to it. It was a swim party at a local recreation complex. I did not want to go and Michael hadn't been to a party lately so I "let" him go.
I spent a lot of time working on pictures this afternoon. I wanted to get the ones I took yesterday taken care of. Tonight I worked on a couple scrapbook pages. I finished two of them. I have really managed to do pretty good getting pages done lately. Maybe I should be more focused on which pages I do so I could actually finish an album. I need to finish our vacation album from last summer. Probably it would be a good idea to finish it BEFORE we go on vacation this summer.
The kids watched a movie in Michaela's room tonight. Michael fell asleep early. Caleb fell asleep watching the movie and I think Michaela was dozing on and off. I did not make them go to bed until a little after 10 pm tonight. Now, it's time for me to go to bed.
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