Friday, April 4, 2008

April 4, 2008

I spent this evening sorting through and organizing two years worth of pictures. I had two photo boxes stuffed with picture envelopes. There was no rhyme nor reason to how they were shoved in there, they were just put in there to get them out of the way. So, they needed to be sorted and filed correctly in a desperate way.

Part of my problem is I take TONS of pictures. I've cut back lately, but still there are some events that I will just take hundreds of pictures at. My camera I got last summer makes it hard to delete any, too, because it takes such good pictures. Although, I've had a couple times I've put it on the wrong setting and oh boy did I get some bad pictures.

Then, there is the fact that I seem to order tons of prints at one time. When I pre-pay for prints at I can get them for 9 cents a print. You won't find them any cheaper anywhere else and the quality is good.

And, of course, the fact that I will never be able to scrap fast enough to keep up with my life means that I'll always have tons of photos sitting waiting for me. Especially since I am a procrastinator and have a tendency to just let things sit somewhere until they are driving me crazy. So, I had a mess.

It took me over two hours to get them in decent order. I ended up filling up the two empty photo boxes I had. At some point I will put some in just plain photo albums. But, that will have to wait until I know I've used what I wanted for my scrapbooks.

I do have a goal to do two layouts a week during April. I also want to finish the one layout that's been laying on my table for a month now. And, I need to make a get well card for my SIL. So, that is my plan for exercising my scrap booking creativity. Next is to make a plan for my writing and my photography.

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