It's been a really good day off for me. I have enjoyed it a lot. I did not put a lot of pressure on myself to get a bunch of stuff done, like I usually do. Most of the morning I spent messing around on Facebook. I finally gave in and joined after listening to several online friends talk about it. It is addicting. I chatted with a friend on there for a long time this morning.
Then, it was time to get something productive accomplished. So, I paid bills. That's always so much fun! NOT! But, I always feel much better when I'm done with that. I also went up to the park and got Caleb signed up for t-ball. It starts at the end of May. He'll be playing at the park up the street on Saturdays through July. Which means he'll miss two weeks of it when we're on vacation.
I've contemplated signing up both kids for day camp at the park that week that that I'm still in school and their school is over. That would mean no Guppy for that week. It would be less expensive. Michaela does not want to go to Guppy. I'm a little hesitant, probably because it would be something totally new for all of us. I'm going to think on it some more.
I've also contemplated getting the kids and I season passes to Six Flags this summer. But, I don't know if we'd really go all that much. Again, it's something I'm going to have to think on for a little longer. It's not like we're going to be out of school next week so I've got time to decide yet.
Michaela had a half day at school today so I picked her up after lunch time. We went and did a little shopping. She ended up coming home with three new shirts, a pair of shorts and a pair of capri's. This means I need to get serious about cleaning out her closet and drawers. I think everything that is size 7 is going. She's now into size 10! She's getting so big.
She started asking questions about sex today. Gosh, I am not ready for this. I am proud of myself, though. I gave her very straight forward and honest answers without flinching too much. She was very eager to listen. She did say it was all really gross. I told her I hope she feels that way until she's about 30!
After we went shopping we went to two different parks with our cameras. This is what Michaela wanted to do. We really enjoyed ourselves. We just wandered around the garden areas taking pictures of all the pretties. I don't know if it is because it was a long winter and I'm just noticing it all more this year or what, but it just seems to be an extraordinarily beautiful spring this year. And, my allergies are going crazy! But, that can be controlled.
Tonight was very quiet around here. Michael fell asleep before 8:00 pm again. That's becoming a habit for him on Friday nights. Caleb fell asleep on the couch around 8:00 pm. Michaela was in her room making her mouse costume for the trial they are doing for her SOAR class. She did a really good job with it. I'll have to take a picture of her in it before she goes to SOAR next week.
Caleb was bummed that Michaela and I went to take pictures without him today. I reminded him that he and I were going to go just the two of us soon. I want to take him to get some pictures of him in his KG cap and gown like I did Michaela when she graduated from KG. That time will just be the two of us.
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