Tuesday, April 29, 2008

April 29, 2008

Today I had a meeting off campus. It was a Reading First meeting. I really like our Reading First trainers. They are a lot of fun. It was my principal, reading coach and me that went to the meeting. It was a nice easy paced day and they fed us breakfast, lunch and a snack.

We were finished by 2:00 pm and my principal told me that I could go home. That was so cool. I was home by 2:30. Michaela had choir practice today so I had about two hours to myself before I had to go get the kids. I worked on my paperwork for Career Ladder some. It was nice to have the house quiet and to myself unexpectedly like that.

Tonight I worked on some scrapbook stuff some more. But, I was really tired so I did not do much. I've really been motivated a lot. Joining the online scrapbooking group has really helped me. I really should focus on finishing at least one album, though. I've just been scrapping whatever draws me in lately. I've got a bunch of pages that need to be put into albums now.

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