Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 13, 2008

It was a full day at work today, meaning a lot went on. I had visitors in my classroom which I wrote about in my teaching blog.

Then, we had a very productive grade level team meeting. We were able to get a few things accomplished and we took some time to just talk about some of our frustrations. Our principal came in and talked to us some. He was very pleased with the lesson he observed in one of my teammate's classroom. That was so cool to hear him give her such high praise. He keeps telling us that he's very happy with his first grade team. Yeah us!

After school I had another Career Ladder meeting. This one went much better than the last one. I think we finally made some headway on next year's handbook. I left around 5:10 because I just did not want to be there until 5:30 p.m. again. It does not help that we do not start until after 4:00 pm. If we'd get started on time we wouldn't have to be there so late.

Tonight at home we had hamburgers on the grill. Michael grilled them. He's such a good guy most of the time. After we finished supper and I got things cleaned up, Michael went out to go shopping for something for me for Valentine's Day. I wasn't very helpful in giving him ideas, but honestly I really don't know anything I want. I really just want some alone time with him. Hopefully, we'll get that on Friday night.

Now, it's quiet. Caleb decided he didn't want to be around Sissy. So, she's watching television in her room and Caleb has taken over the television in the living room. Earlier they played like crazy with his cars. Michael took away Wii privileges from Caleb tonight because he got a yellow card in school today for throwing toys. He wasn't throwing them at anyone, just throwing them, but that's not acceptable.

I'll be glad when it's bedtime, though. I really got tired today. Having people come in to watch you while you're working is very tiring. I've been very tired since about the time my visitors left my classroom this morning.

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