I drove slowly to work. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't good either. There was an accident that happened about 1/2 a mile ahead of me on one of the major highways I take to get to work. Luckily, since I was close to the front it did not take long to get past it. No emergency vehicles were there yet, so there were two lanes getting by still. It took me about 10 minutes to 15 minutes longer than usual to get to work.
There were only about 6 cars in the parking lot at work. I was not happy about this. It meant that even if a lot of kids stayed home, I was still going to have a room full to cover those who were not there. As I was walking in the building a parent was walking out and told me they'd canceled school.
I went inside to talk to my principal. It seems he didn't even know they were going to call off school until he got to work and he only has to drive about half the distance I drive. There were four other teachers there besides me and the custodian. I sat down and talked with the principal for just a few moments and then headed home.
The accident that had happened on my way to work now had all but one lane blocked. Thank goodness at this point I was going the other direction. There were no major things blocking my way home, but the roads were already getting much worse. It took me about 20 minutes longer to get home than usual. But, at least I did not have to try to drive home after a full day of this stuff.
The kids and I got home around 8:40 a.m. We have stayed inside all day. It is still sleeting and is supposed to do this all night and overnight, too. I really hope they cancel school tomorrow again. I already told my principal that I would not be there if Michaela's school is closed tomorrow. He said he completely understands.
I've been pretty lazy today, but that's ok, I needed some major down time. I'm probably going to be lazy the rest of the day and into the evening until bedtime.
The kids have played Wii, played with Caleb's cars and his plastic grill. They've played downstairs and upstairs. They've played hide and seek and are now watching television and movies. Michaela is in her room watching t.v. Caleb is watching a Scooby Doo movie.
I have managed to get all the pictures I took when we were at The Magic House and Chuck E. Cheese last Saturday organized and manipulated the way I wanted. I uploaded them to Shutterfly, too. So, I have gotten something small accomplished. I do need to get the pictures from Monday off my camera so I can work on them. I'd like to do some scrap booking, too, but can't seem to get myself downstairs.
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